§ 151.171 DEFINITIONS.
   The words, terms and phrases set out below, when used in this subchapter, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this subchapter, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
   ARTWORK. A two- or three-dimensional representation that is expressed in a form and manner as to provide aesthetic enjoyment for the viewer rather than to specifically convey the name of the business or a commercial message about the products or services offered on the property upon which the artwork is displayed. The exterior alteration of commercial buildings in the Historic District for purposes of restoring historic painted murals is not within the scope of this subchapter but is instead regulated under the subchapter pertaining to the Historic District.
   BALLOON-TYPE DEVICES. A stationary or mobile inflated device used to attract attention.
   BMA. The Town of Collierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
   BUILDING WALL. The entire surface area, including windows and floors, of an exterior wall of a building.
   BZA. The Town of Collierville Board of Zoning Appeals.
   CODES DIVISION. The Town of Collierville Codes Enforcement Division of the Development Department.
   COMMERCIAL. Any nonresidential use of land involving commerce or commercial activity such as wholesale or retail trade, or the provision of services.
   CONVENTIONAL AREA. Portions of the town that are appropriate for, or characterized by, development that is typically segregated by use; is two stories or less in height; is primarily or exclusively automobile-oriented; has parking between the building and the street; and is served primarily by curvilinear streets as described in the Collierville Design Guidelines.
   COPY. Words, letters, numbers, figures, characters, symbols, logos, or insignia that are used on a sign face.
   COPY AREA. The smallest geometric shape that encloses all graphics, letters, and logos of the sign face.
   DESIGN COMPATIBILITY. A condition occurring between two of the same or two different sign types where the individual tenant spaces in a shopping center harmonize together through the use of signs with a common scale, heights from the finished grade, illumination, materials, type and color of returns, and sign color scheme and type (channel letter, halo-lit, and the like), placement on sign bands built into the building facade, or other signage features.
   DOWNTOWN AREA. The planning area within the boundaries of the Downtown Collierville Small Area Plan.
   DRC. The Town of Collierville Design Review Commission
   ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD. Any sign that displays still images, scrolling images or moving images, including video and animation, utilizing a series or grid of lights that may be changed through electrostatic means, including cathode ray, light emitting diode (LED) display, plasma screen, liquid crystal display (LCD), fiber optic or other electronic media or technology.
   ELEVATION. The front, side, or rear of a structure.
   FAÇADE. The exterior wall on the front, side, or rear elevation of the building regardless of whether the building side faces a street.
   FENCE. A structure used to delineate a boundary or act as a barrier or means of protection, confinement, or screening.
   FLAG. Bunting or fabric of distinctive color and design that is used as an emblem, standard, decoration, or symbol and that is hoisted on a permanent flagpole or otherwise displayed from a building.
   FORMED PLASTIC LETTERS. Letters or graphics that are formed from a sheet of plastic that is warmed and shaped in a mold.
   GLAZING. The portion of an exterior building surface occupied by glass or windows.
   HDC. The Town of Collierville Historic District Commission.
   ILLUMINATION. The calling of attention to a sign or device by means of brightening or shining with light or a luminous substance.
   LOGO.   A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, services, and the like.
   MARQUEE. Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending along and projecting beyond the wall of that building, including any object or decoration attached to or part of said marquee, with the purpose of providing protection from sun and rain or embellishment of the facade.
   MENU BOARD. A structure primarily designed for the display of menu items and prices for the purpose of placing orders for such items in conjunction with a restaurant utilizing drive-through or curbside service.
   MULTI-PHASE DEVELOPMENT. A development consisting of two or more distinct phases intended to occur in a sequential order.
   MULTIPLE FRANCHISE BUSINESS. A business that, pursuant to franchise agreements, markets the goods or services of more than one company or manufacturer.
   MULTIPLE TENANT BUILDING. A single building that contains two or more distinct occupants internally separated by firewalls or demising walls.
   NEON. Lights, tubes, or other devices used to emit neon light.
   PLASTIC. The general and commonly used term for a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic amorphous solid materials including, but not limited to, acrylic, sintra and lexan.
   PREMISES. A house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.
   PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Property dedicated for public use, usually for a public street, public infrastructure and/or waterway. For the purposes of this subchapter, such PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY shall be considered to extend a minimum of ten feet from the edge of the pavement, or to the dedicated right-of-way boundary, whichever is farther.
   ROOF LINE. The apex, or highest point of the roof. In a series of roofs, the apex of the lowest roof will be considered.
   SCOREBOARD. A structure that is located within an athletic field and that displays changing scores, related information, and additional content that may include, without limitation, the names and logos of sponsors.
   SIGN. Any device, fixture, placard, or structure that uses color, form, graphics, illumination, text, symbol, and/or writing to advertise, attract attention to, announce, identify, or identify the purpose of a person or entity, or to communicate information of any kind. The following shall not be considered SIGNS subject to sign regulation: artwork; holiday lighting and decorations, including strips or strings of lights outlining property lines, sales areas, roof lines, doors, windows, wall edges, or other architectural features of a building, displayed between Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day of each calendar year and 15 days prior to and after this time period; and memorial plaques, cornerstones, historical tables, and the like (see also § 151.175).
   SIGN, ABANDONED. A sign that was lawfully erected on the property in conjunction with a particular use, that use having been subsequently discontinued for a period of 60 days or more; a sign that has been blank for 60 days or more; or a lawfully erected temporary sign for which the time period allowed for display of the sign has expired.
   SIGN, A-FRAME (also a SANDWICH BOARD). A freestanding upright sign on a rigid supporting frame in the form of a triangle or an inverted V.
   SIGN, ANIMATED. Any sign that moves or that appears to move by any means, including fluttering or rotating. Such signs shall also include, but not be limited to, pennants, ribbons, streamers or propellers.
   SIGN AREA or SIGN FACE. See sign face calculation in § 151.178(B)(6).
   SIGN, ATTACHED. A sign that is permanently affixed to or painted on a building, canopy, or wall and that has a permanent or changeable copy face.
   SIGN, AWNING. A sign that is part of or attached to the face or valance of an awning and that is constructed in the same fabric or material as the awning.
   SIGN, BANNER. A sign made of flexible material that advertises a business, an event, or a product for sale.
   SIGN, BENCH. A sign affixed to or painted on a bench.
   SIGN, CABINET. An internally illuminated sign structure consisting of a cabinet that holds a display. CABINET SIGN also includes, but is not limited to, backlit displays and light boxes.
   SIGN, CHANGEABLE COPY (AUTOMATIC). A sign that is electronically controlled.
   SIGN, CHANGEABLE COPY (MANUAL). A sign on which copy is changed manually.
   SIGN, CONVENIENCE. A sign displayed only for the direction, safety, and convenience of the public. CONVENIENCE SIGNS may include, without limitation, address signs, address and name plaques, signs identifying rest rooms, parking area entrances and exits, gas station self-service or full-service pump islands, freight entrances and exits, and other facilities that may require directional signage.
   SIGN DEPTH. On an attached sign, the distance from the face of the letters to the surface to which they are attached.
   SIGN, DEVELOPMENT. A sign located at the entrance to a residential development and constructed of masonry or natural materials, except for attached letters or logos.
   SIGN, DEVELOPMENT-IN-PROGRESS. A temporary sign that may include, without limitation, the name of the project, the architect, the contractor, the developer, the engineer, the financing institution, or the materials supplier for the premises, whose construction is active, or announcing the future development.
   SIGN, DIGITAL PICTURE FRAME. A desktop picture frame that displays digital images through a digital screen.
   SIGN FACE. (See § 151.178(B)(6), Sign face area.)
      (1)   A sandwich board sign; or
      (2)   A sign supported by a sign structure that is secured in the ground and that is wholly independent of any building or object, other than the sign structure, for support.
   SIGN, GOVERNMENT IMITATION. A sign that copies, imitates, or in any way approximates an official highway sign or carries the words “Stop” or “Danger.” Also, a sign that obscures a sign displayed by public authority for the purpose of giving traffic instruction or direction, or other public information, including any authorized traffic control sign, signal, or similar device.
   SIGN, HAND HELD. A sign that is held by or otherwise mounted on a person.
   SIGN, HANGING. A sign installed under an awning, canopy, porch overhang, or marquee that hangs either parallel or perpendicular to a building.
   SIGN, HOME OCCUPATION. A sign erected for the purpose of identifying an allowed home occupation.
   SIGN, INTEGRAL. A sign or plaque carved into stone, concrete, or similar material, or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type metal materials, and made an integral part of the structure.
   SIGN, MARQUEE.   A sign that is attached to a marquee other than a theater marquee.
   SIGN, MENU BOARD. A structure primarily designed for the display of menu items and prices for the purpose of placing orders for such items in conjunction with a restaurant utilizing drive-through or curbside service.
   SIGN, MOVING. A sign or device that swings, undulates, or otherwise attracts attention through the movement of parts, or through the impression of movement, and includes flashing, fluttering, moving, pennant, revolving, rotating, streamer, windblown, or similar signs or devices.
   SIGN, NONCONFORMING. A sign lawfully constructed or erected prior to the effective date of any ordinance or amendment containing provisions with which the sign does not comply, or any sign that was lawfully erected in compliance with the sign regulations in effect at the time it was erected, but that is no longer in compliance.
   SIGN, PARKED VEHICLE. Signs placed on or affixed to vehicles or trailers that are parked on a right-of-way or on public or private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way and that are visible for more than two consecutive hours or more than four total hours between sunrise and sunset. This term does not include signs that advertise the sale of the vehicles on which they are placed or that are placed on or affixed to vehicles but that are incidental to the primary use of the vehicle or trailer. See § 151.180(Q) for special provisions for political signs.
   SIGN, PERMANENT. A sign that is intended for other than temporary use or a limited period. A PERMANENT SIGN is usually affixed or attached to the exterior of a building or to a pole or other structure by adhesive or mechanical means or is otherwise characterized by anchoring, construction materials, or a foundation indicative of an intent to display the sign for more than a limited period.
   SIGN POLICY, COMPREHENSIVE. A plan establishing parameters for the size, location and design of signs in a planned development.
   SIGN, POLITICAL. A temporary sign erected on private property for the purpose of supporting a political candidate or stating a position regarding a political issue or similar purpose.
   SIGN, PORTABLE. A temporary sign or device that is located on the ground, is easily movable, and is not permanently attached to the ground. PORTABLE SIGNS include, but are not limited to, counterbalance signs, trailer signs, and any variations thereof. See § 151.180(Q) for special provisions for political signs.
   SIGN, PROJECT. A sign that displays solely numbers and/or letters and that is erected to display the identity of five or more occupants in a single building, business or office complex with a total of at least 10,000 square feet in the project; with or without individual street frontage; and with a common parking lot or private drive.
   SIGN, PROJECTING. A sign mounted on beams, brackets, or poles projecting from a building.
   SIGN, PUBLIC. A sign that is in the public interest and that is erected by, or on the order of, a governmental entity or agency. This term includes, without limitation, safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs of historical interest, wayfinding signs, signs pertaining to events sponsored or co-sponsored by the Town, and other similar signs.
   SIGN, REAL ESTATE. A temporary sign pertaining to the sale, lease, or rental of property. This term includes, but is not limited to, real estate directional, open house, and open house directional signs.
   SIGN, ROOF. An attached sign wholly or partially dependent upon the roof of any building for support. A roof does not include a mansard mounted on a parapet wall.
   SIGN, ROUTED FACE. A sign face, the background of which is an opaque material that has been routed to create the letters and/or graphics, and backed with plastic.
   SIGN, ROUTED PUSH-THROUGH. A sign face the background of which is routed and the letters and/or graphics are inserted into the routed background.
   SIGN, SANDWICH BOARD (also an A-FRAME SIGN). A freestanding upright sign on a rigid supporting frame in the form of a triangle or an inverted V.
   SIGN, SERVICE STATION CANOPY. A sign attached to a roof-like structure supported by poles or columns for the purpose of providing shelter for gas pumps and surrounding fuel area.
   SIGN, SNIPE. Any sign other than a convenience sign that is affixed by any means to trees, utility poles, fences or other objects.
   SIGN, SPECIAL EVENT. A sign associated with a special event (Class 1 or Class 2) or outdoor event.
   SIGN SURFACE AREA. (See § 151.178(B)(6), Sign face area.)
   SIGN, TEMPORARY. A sign that is intended for temporary use and a limited period, as allowed by this subchapter. TEMPORARY SIGNS may include, but are not limited to: auction signs, banners, builder signs, development in progress signs, garage sale signs, grand opening signs, political signs, real estate signs, and special event signs.
   SIGN, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ZONE. A sign that is intended for temporary use and a limited period, as allowed by this chapter, for premises that are, in the opinion of the Development Department, significantly disturbed by state or local road widening projects or utility line or sidewalk repairs/installations/relocations. Temporary signs may include, but are not limited to: banners, window signs, and special event signs.
   SIGN, THEATER MARQUEE. Any sign painted, mounted, constructed or attached in any manner to a theater marquee.
   SIGN, TRAILER. A sign attached to or painted on a trailer and visible from the public right-of-way for more than two consecutive hours or more than four total hours between sunrise and sunset. See § 151.180(Q) for special provisions for political signs.
   SIGN, TRASH RECEPTACLE. A sign affixed to, or painted on, a trash receptacle and containing only the company name or logo of the trash-collecting firm.
   SIGN, WALL. A sign designating the name of the business, institution, or organization which is attached to, in a rigid manner, and parallel to a building wall or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for or forms the background surface of the sign and which does not extend more than 12 inches from such building or structure.
   SIGN, WINDOW. A sign placed within, affixed to, in contact with, or located within three feet of a window and intended to be seen from the exterior.
   STREET FRONTAGE. The distance that a lot line adjoins a public or private street from one lot line intersecting the street to the furthest lot line intersecting the same street.
   STRING LIGHTING. Lighting used to outline a structure and to attract attention for commercial purposes.
   TRADITIONAL AREA. Portions of the town, including the Historic District, that are appropriate for, or characterized by, development that typically includes mixed-uses, or residential and nonresidential uses in proximity to one another, buildings typically more than one story tall and built close to the street, a high level of architectural detailing on the primary building façades, the use of a modified street grid system, pedestrian oriented site design rather than exclusively or predominantly for the automobile, and off-street parking located to the side or rear of buildings as described in the Collierville Design Guidelines.
   TRANSITIONAL SHOPPING CENTER. A designation given to a single building or group of buildings, developed prior to August 2010, that contains two or more distinct occupants internally separated by firewalls or demising walls, and has an approved Comprehensive Sign Policy per § 151.155(M), as part of a Planned Development approved by resolution by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen after a recommendation by the Planning Commission and the Design Review Commission, that demonstrate how the shopping center will incrementally transition the center into meeting the current signage regulations.
(Ord. 2010-01, passed 8-23-10; Am. Ord. 2011-10, passed 10-10-11; Am. Ord. 2012-15, passed 9-24-12; Am. Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-13-14; Am. Ord. 2018-06, passed 8-28-18; Am. Ord. 2021-01, passed 5-24-21)