The following modifications and amendments to the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) are hereby adopted:
   (A)   IFGC Modification. Whenever the International Fuel Gas Code refers to the "code official" it shall mean the person appointed or designated by the municipal governing body to administer and enforce the provisions of the Fuel Gas Code.
   (B)   (1)   Amend Section 101.1 "Title" by adding the term "The Town of Collierville" in the parenthetic phrase so when amended it reads as follows:
         101.0 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Fuel Gas Code of the Town of Collierville, hereinafter referred to as "this code".
      (2)   Delete Section 109 "Means of Appeal" in its entirety and replace with the following:
         Section 109 Means of Appeal
         109.1 General. The Town of Collierville, Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be the appeals body which is authorized to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the code official regarding the application and interpretation of this code.
(Ord. 2020-06, passed 9-14-20)