(A) Name, birth date and physical description of the permittee.
(B) A statement that permittee shall not operate or cause to be operated a motorcycle or motor driven cycle on any real property, except the real property set forth in the permit by description.
(C) A statement of the hours that the permit authorizes operation of the motorcycle or motor driven cycle.
(D) A statement that the permit shall be carried by the permittee at all times that he or she is operating an ATV, motorcycle or motor-driven cycle on public or private property, as defined in this chapter, and that the permit shall be exhibited to any police officer upon demand.
(E) The date of expiration of the permit in no event to exceed one year, unless sooner revoked or suspended.
(F) A statement that the permit is not an expression by the Town that the proposed operation can be done with safety to the permittee or other persons or property, all of which risks are assumed by permittee or property owner.
(`83 Code, § 12-305)
Any permit issued hereunder is subject to suspension or revocation by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen after notice to the permittee and public hearing on any of the following grounds:
(A) The owner or agent of the real property has withdrawn his or her consent;
(B) Conditions concerning the real property covered by the permit have changed so that conditions exist which would be grounds for refusal to issue the permit;
(C) The permittee has violated any of the terms or conditions of the permit or any law while on private or public property pursuant to the permit issued herein.
(`83 Code, § 12-307)
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other legal entity violating any of the ordinances of the Town shall be fined not more than $50 or the maximum amount permitted by state law, whichever is greater, for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day of violation.
(`83 Code, § 12-308) (Ord. 2003-05, passed 4-14-03)