Ord. No. | Date | Description
Ord. No. | Date | Description
99-732 | 8-17-99 | Providing for payment of compensation to Board members previously serving without compensation. |
99-736 | 10-19-99 | Adopting a smoke-free environment for all workers. |
01-782 | 12-5-01 | Establishing and adopting a payroll plan for the city dated Nov. 1, 2001. |
03-807 | 6-2-03 | Establishing and adopting a payroll plan for the city for 2003-2004. |
04-835 | 3-22-04 | Amending the Personnel Policy to include a Statement of Policy. |
05-867 | 6-13-05 | Amending Ord. 03-807 concerning the payroll plan for the city. |
05-888 | 11-28-05 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
06-894 | 3-27-06 | Amending the Personnel and Policy Procedure Manual - changing Chapters 14, 18, 22, and 24. |
06-907 | 6-12-06 | Amending Ord. 05-867 concerning the payroll plan for the city. |
08-946 | 5-27-08 | Creating an employee classification plan for full-time, part-time and seasonal workers for the Public Works/Parks Department. |
08-952 | 10-13-08 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
10-968 | 7-26-10 | Amending the personnel policy. |
11-979 | 7-27-11 | Amending the policy and procedure manual. |
17-1038 | 6-12-17 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
18-1045 | 6-11-18 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
19-1052 | 6-11-19 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
19-1054 | 7-22-19 | Amending the personnel policy. |
20-1065 | - - | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
21-1071 | - - | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
22-1078 | - - | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
23-1084 | 6-24-23 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |
24-1093 | 6-24-24 | Amending the payroll plan for the city. |