A. The spacing of public trees located in the street right of way area shall be in accordance with the three (3) species size classes as established by resolution of the city council. Trees shall be planted at the following spacing, except trees planted in special plantings designated or approved by the urban forestry committee:
1. Small trees: Twenty five feet (25');
2. Medium trees: Thirty five feet (35');
3. Large trees: Forty five feet (45').
B. Street (public) trees required by subsection 17.06.835D of this code shall be placed on the abutting public right of way along the entire street frontage of the development at the following spacing, except as otherwise prohibited by this chapter:
1. Small trees: Twenty five feet (25');
2. Medium trees: Thirty five feet (35');
3. Large trees: Forty five feet (45'). (Ord. 3565, 2017)