A.   Definition: "Environmental landscaping" is the reduction of noise, glare, sun, and air pollution through the introduction of landscaping.
   B.   Applicability: Environmental landscaping is required as follows:
      1.   For multi-family residential with four (4) or more dwelling units.
      2.   For commercial, civic, and manufacturing uses.
      3.   For nonresidential parking lots containing six (6) or more parking spaces.
      4.   For all new residential parking lots containing six (6) or more parking spaces.
      5.   For single-family and duplex housing.
Exceptions: Landscaping is not required for all nonconforming uses as they are established in and subject to section 17.06.905 of this chapter. For single-family and duplex housing, only street tree requirements shall apply.
   C.   Types Of Environmental Landscaping: For each of the applications listed in subsection B of this section, the following environmental landscaping shall be required:
      1.   Street trees.
      2.   Parking lot landscaping.
   D.   Street Trees: "Street trees" are defined in section 12.36.015 of this code. Following the adoption date of these regulations, all applicable developments shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with sections 12.36.400 through 12.36.425 of this code. For new single-family and duplex housing, a fee for each required street tree, in an amount to be set by resolution of the city council, shall be required at the time of building permit issuance. Said fee will be held by the city to ensure that the required street tree is planted. If the required street tree is not planted before the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, said fee shall be forfeited to the city and shall be deposited in the fund designated in section 12.36.125 of this code for maintenance and acquisition of street trees. Provided however, that nothing contained herein shall prevent the city from refunding said fee for retaining a healthy tree meeting the definition of "street tree" or from using the deposit to reimburse the owner of the new single-family residence or duplex for the cost of planting the required street tree within six (6) months following the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
   E.   Parking Lots: Landscaping shall be required for all parking lots as described in subsections B3 and B4 of this section, excluding vehicle sales. This shall be in addition to buffer yards where required.
      1.   Amount Required: The amount of landscaping required is calculated as a percentage of the gross paved areas used for parking spaces. Traffic aisles and driveways are excluded from this calculation. This percentage is based on the number of parking spaces provided as follows:
Number Of
Parking Spaces
Percent Gross Area
To Be Landscaped
   5 - 50
   51 - 99
   100 - 300
For parking lots with more than three hundred (300) parking spaces, the planning commission shall determine the amount and spacing of landscaping required up to a maximum not to exceed two percent (2%) additional area per each one hundred (100) additional cars or fraction thereof, and no parking space shall be more than one hundred feet (100') from a landscaped area.
      2.   Material And Spacing Requirements: Except as provided in subsection E1 of this section, parking lot landscaping shall consist of, but is not limited to, a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, and ground cover. No parking space shall be more than sixty feet (60') from a landscaped area, and there shall be at least one tree for each three hundred (300) square feet of required landscape area. (Ord. 3560, 2017: Ord. 3299 §14, 2007: Ord. 3288 §70, 2007: Ord. 3169 §3, 2004: Ord. 2856 §1, 1998: Ord. 2109 §8, 1988)