A.   For the purposes of this chapter, "resident only" permits shall be construed to include permits for employees of churches or other residential service organizations within the designated resident only areas. For purposes of this chapter, references to the city engineer, city clerk, or police department shall be construed to mean any staff member or officer designated by the mayor and city council to operate, manage, or conduct the program.
   B.   Said persons, as listed above, are hereby authorized to issue resident only permits to employees described above, as well as, to issue permits for healthcare providers, in home service providers, meals on wheels, and similar residential service organizations to allow their staff to attend to clients living in all the resident only parking areas. The city clerk, city engineer, or designee, are hereby authorized to establish procedures for applicants and issuance of permits in accordance with this chapter, design appropriate application forms, order supplies, erect or remove signs as needed, and perform such other duties and services as might be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
   C.   The city engineer shall establish resident only parking areas and erect signs to so notify the public along those streets, which the city deems appropriate, based upon the city engineer's traffic and congestion studies. The studies shall consider the extent to which legal on street parking spaces are occupied by motor vehicles; the extent to which vehicles parking in the area are vehicles other than resident vehicles; and the extent to which resident motor vehicles in the residential area cannot be accommodated by the number of available off street parking spaces. Notification of this designation and the procedures for obtaining permits shall be mailed to each residence and/or property owner along the streets so designated by the city engineer. Parking in such areas during the hours of seven thirty o'clock (7:30) A.M. to five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M., Monday through Friday, shall be allowed only for vehicles displaying either a resident's decal or a visitor's permit tag, unless designated otherwise for specific areas. (Ord. 3065 §3, 2002)