(a)    No fence, wall or screening shall be constructed, altered or extended within the side, rear or front yard setback without first obtaining approval either with an individual zoning certificate or as part of another application within which the fencing is only one portion of the project.
   (b)    Fences and screening of a purely decorative nature are permitted to extend up to five feet into the front yard from the principal building and parallel to the street. A zoning certificate is required.
   (c)    In any residential or commercial district, fences or screening, within front yards and side yards extending from the front line of the principal building toward the street right of way shall not exceed more than forty-two (42) inches above the established front yard grade. Fences or screening in the rear yards and side yards extending from the front of the principal building toward the rear lot line shall not exceed more than seventy-two (72) inches above the established rear yard grade. Mounding of soil to elevate a fence higher than surrounding grade is prohibited.
   (d)    All fencing shall have the finished side, with no exposed structural supports, face toward the street right of way or if placed on a property line, the finished side of the fence shall face the abutting property.
   (e)    All fencing placed in front yards, in addition to meeting the maximum height requirements in Section 1153.01(c), may be placed to the street right of way, if said fencing is a picket or similar style fencing. However, if the fencing is entirely solid in nature, then fencing must be placed at least five (5) feet from the street right of way or if a corner lot, at least five (5) feet from both street right of ways. (Ord. 2003-81. Passed 10-21-03.)