(a)    The provisions specified in the Zoning Ordinance shall be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (b)    Where the provisions specified in the Zoning Ordinance exceed the requirements specified in other chapters of the Codified Ordinances, the more stringent of the requirements shall be followed.
   (c)    No person shall locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, maintain, or use any building or land in violation of any regulation or requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 1985-40. Passed 8-6-85.)
   (d)    Every building or structure constructed or placed on a lot in the City shall be located on a lot herein defined and in no case shall there be more than one principal building on the lot except as approved by the Planning Commission in the R-3 and P.U.D. Zoning Districts or approved by the City Manager in the C-l, C-2 and I- l Districts. This restriction shall not apply to condominiums as defined in Section 1127.02(32)B.
(Ord. 1991-46. Passed 6-11-91.)
   (e)    No yard or part thereof, open space, off-street parking or loading space that is required for a building, structure or use shall be considered in meeting the same requirements for more than one building, use or structure.
   (f)   No free-standing principal building located in any C or I District shall contain less than 200 square feet of floor area on the ground floor; except where specifically permitted as a conditional use.
   (g)    No curb cuts shall be permitted without approval from the City Manager.
   (h)    This Zoning Ordinance shall not require any changes or alterations to be made to any plan, layout, construction, size or designated use of any development, building, structure or part thereof which has obtained official approval and the required permits prior to the adoption of this Zoning Ordinance, but does not comply with the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance; provided that construction is started within six months of the passage of the Zoning Ordinance, and completed two years thereafter, and further provided that such construction is carried out in conformance with the approved plans. All permits for construction not begun within six months of the adoption of this Zoning Ordinance shall be revoked.
   (i)    No individual mobile home dwelling shall be used in the construction of a single- family dwelling as a building component.
(Ord. 1985-40. Passed 8-6-85.)