The purpose of this provision is to prevent obstructions on private property, which substantially impair or interfere with the visibility of pedestrian or vehicular movement on and along public streets and sidewalks, create an unreasonable risk of death, personal injury and/or property damage and otherwise interfere with the unobstructed and safe use of the public right of way.
   A.   On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to impede vision between a height of two and one-half (2.5) and ten feet (10') above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the ROW lines of such corner lots and a line adjoining points along said ROW lines twenty-five feet (25') from the point of intersection of right of way lines. See figure 11-4-5.1 of this section.
   B.   In the case of private streets or drives, the vision clearance triangle shall be measured from the back of curb or edge of the private road surface and the point of intersection with the right of way line.
   C.   Staff may require an engineering analysis to be performed and submitted for review before permits are issued. Based on the analysis, differing greater or lesser dimensions may be required based upon the current standards of the Institute of Transportation Engineers or the Association of American State Highway Officials.
Figure 11-4-5.1
(Ord. 1098, 1-28-2021)