   (a)   All developments shall be serviced by a public water supply and distribution system acceptable to the Township.
   (b)   All water mains and other water supply facilities that are intended to be operated as public facilities shall be conveyed to the Township for operation and maintenance.
   (c)   All water main sizes shall conform to the Township's Water Main Master Plan.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
   (a)   All developments shall be serviced by a public wastewater collection and disposal system. The developer shall provide sanitary sewers to service each proposed building site and shall connect the same to the public wastewater disposal system.
   (b)   All sanitary sewers that are intended to be operated as public facilities shall be conveyed to the Township for operation and maintenance.
   (c)   All sanitary sewer sizes shall conform to the Township's Sanitary Sewer Master Plan.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
1244.05   SIDEWALKS.
   Five-feet wide sidewalks shall be constructed completely across the developer's project where it abuts existing or proposed major thoroughfares and collector streets. Except in industrial developments, sidewalks shall be constructed along both sides of the development's internal streets. The outside edge of a walk will normally be located one foot inside of the right of way, but for mobile home parks and some multiple housing developments (as determined by the Township Engineer) the walk may be located adjacent to the street pavement.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
1244.06   TREES.
   Except on major thoroughfares, the developer shall install at least one Norway maple tree (minimum of three inches in diameter) per lot or per building site on each side of all streets, but in no event shall the spacing of trees exceed 120 feet.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
   The developer shall provide for all local distribution lines for telephone, electric and/or other similar services distributed by wire or cable, to be placed underground entirely throughout the area to be developed for residential use, except for main supply and perimeter feed distribution lines which serve areas outside the development area, and except for surface facilities related to underground service (such as above-ground closure or terminals), and such wires, conduits or cables shall be placed within private easements which shall be provided to the service companies by the developer. All such facilities shall be constructed in accordance with standards of construction approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)
   After site plan approval or preliminary plat approval by the Township Board, and after approval of the plan for the site improvement, but before the issuance of building permits for buildings within the development, the developer shall provide the Township and/or other public agencies, as requested, with a guarantee for the satisfactory completion of all required public improvements to serve his or her development. Such guarantee shall be in the form of cash, a certified check or an irrevocable bank letter of credit, whichever the developer selects, or in the form of a surety bond, acceptable to the Township or the public agency, based on the estimated construction cost of said improvements as approved by the Township Engineer or the other concerned public agency. The Township shall release funds from such deposit as made with the Township as the site improvements are completed and approved by the Township, approximately in proportion to the amount of improvements satisfactorily completed.
(Ord. 281. Passed 10-2-89.)