1062.01   Short title.
1062.02   Definitions.
1062.03   Enforcement of chapter.
1062.04   Park hours and closed areas.
1062.05   Entering closed areas; violation of notices or orders.
1062.06   Erection of buildings or installation of utilities.
1062.07   Climbing trees; walking, standing or sitting on property not designated for such purposes.
1062.08   Removal of sand, soil, vegetation.
1062.09   Interference with rails, posts, fences, etc.
1062.10   Pollution of water; control of waste materials.
1062.11   Destruction of public property prohibited.
1062.12   Destruction of flowers, shrubs, etc. prohibited.
1062.13   Use of facilities designated for opposite sex generally.
1062.14   Maintenance of restrooms and washrooms.
1062.15   Traffic regulations generally.
1062.16   Bicycle regulations.
1062.17   Cleaning, servicing or repairing vehicles.
1062.18   Remote controlled devices and archery restricted.
1062.19   All terrain vehicles, snow mobiles and unlicensed motor vehicles prohibited.
1062.20   Open burning; kindling fires.
1062.21   Use of drinking fountains and plumbing fixtures.
1062.22   Going onto ice.
1062.23   Hawking, peddling, sales, activities where fees are paid or donations received are prohibited.
1062.24   Advertising prohibited.
1062.25   Playing golf prohibited.
1062.26   Possession of alcoholic beverages.
1062.27   Picnic regulations.
1062.28   Domestic animals restrained, waste disposal, dogs running at large.
1062.29   Gambling prohibited.
1062.30   Littering prohibited.
1062.31   Use of cleated footwear prohibited.
1062.32   Athletic activities in wet weather prohibited.
1062.33   The fighting contest prohibited.
1062.34   Temporary placement and use of apparatus prohibited.
1062.35   Amplified music loud noise is prohibited.
1062.36   Organized activities requiring permits.
1062.37   Fireworks prohibited.
1062.38   Additional restrictions applicable to George George Park.
1062.39   Improper parking or standing; minimum fine.
1062.99   Penalty.
   Sale of park property - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 117.5
   Misapplication of park funds - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 123.67
   Department of Parks and Recreation - see ADM. Ch. 242
   Parks and Recreation Committee - see ADM. Ch. 286
   Parking - see TRAF. Ch. 420
   Bicycles - see TRAF. Ch. 430
   Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles - see TRAF. Ch. 440
   Traffic regulations - see TRAF. Ch. 460
   Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places - see GEN. OFF. 608.02
   Dog control - see GEN. OFF. 610.02
   Gambling - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 630
   Defacing public or private property prohibited - see GEN. OFF. 634.04
   Nuisances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 654
   Destruction and defacing of signs, bills or notices - see GEN. OFF 660.06
   Recreational trespass - see GEN. OFF. 660.07
   Peace disturbances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 664
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. 676.02
   Vegetation - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 694
   Trees and foliage - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1024
   Garbage and rubbish collection and disposal - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060
   Fireworks - see F.P. Ch. 1620