(a)   Upon receipt of an application for a pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, or junk dealer business license, the Township shall refer application to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee who shall conduct an investigation into the applicant's moral character, personal and criminal history. A personal interview may be required and such further information, identification and physical examination of the person and proposed business premises and records of the applicant as shall bear on the investigation.
   (b)   The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall cause to be conducted an investigation of the premises where the business is to be carried on for the purpose of ensuring that the premises comply with all requirements set forth in this chapter and with ordinances of the Township relating to public, health, safety and welfare. Additionally, no applicant's license shall be considered as issued until all equipment is installed and demonstrated to be operating for the electronic transmission of information relating to transactions as required pursuant to this chapter.
   (c)   An applicant shall submit to lawful inspections by the Township and any of its departments, as well as the County and any other governmental agencies as necessary to ensure that the proposed business and applicant comply with applicable laws, ordinances and regulations of the Township. An application may be refused for submission for approval to the Township Board until a report form applicable departments is received and information furnished such that the applicant or proposed premises comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
   (d)   Before issuance of any license, the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, shall submit within 45 days of receipt of an application and report of investigations, inspections and a recommendation for approval or denial.
(Ord. 396. Passed 4-9-12.)