Applications for the license required by this section 3-2-14 shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk on a form to be provided by the City, and shall contain the following information:
   (A)   The name, address, age and date of birth of the owner of the video gaming terminal and of the "owner", whether a person, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or nonprofit organization of the establishment where the video gaming terminal shall be located.
   (B)   Prior convictions of the owner of the video gaming terminal and the owner or officers of the establishment, if any.
   (C)   The place where the video gaming terminal is to be displayed or operated and the business conducted at that place.
   (D)   A description of the video gaming terminal to be covered by the license as well as how many terminals will be located in the establishment.
   (E)   Evidence that licenses have been issued by the Illinois Gaming Board to the owner of the video gaming terminal and the owner of the establishment. (Ord. 1278, 9-4-2012)