Each license shall be for a term of one year, from January 1 through December 31, unless sooner revoked for cause. CAUSE shall be defined as any false statement on the application, or if the applicant’s business has been the cause of any combination of five or more calls for service by the Police or Fire Departments during the previous license period, or two or more calls for service for any combination of illegal drugs or alcohol sales or use on the premises, violent crime of aggravated misdemeanor level or above on the premises, or any other felony on the premises. Further cause for denial shall be two or more zoning code violations under Chapter 159 or two or more street/sidewalk violations under Chapter 97. Any license application made on or after July 1 shall require payment of one-half of the annual license fee. Application for licenses for the following year shall be made from December 1 through December 31. License fee refunds will be pro rated on a semiannual basis. Upon revocation of any license by the Clerk, within 15 days the applicant may appeal the revocation to the City Administrator, Police Chief, and Fire Chief, or their respective designees, who will decide the issue by majority vote. Within 30 days after receipt of the appeal, the final appellate decision shall be decided in writing.
(1999 Code, § 126.03) (Ord. 2692, passed 1-11-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99