(A)   Prohibited solicitation. No driver shall stop, park or drive about the city streets or public places to solicit passengers by words, signs or signals, but they may take on a passenger anywhere in the city at a passenger's request.
   (B)   Receipt and discharge of passengers on sidewalk only. Drivers of vehicles for hire shall not receive or discharge passengers in the roadway, but shall pull up to the right-hand sidewalk as nearly as possible or in the absence of a sidewalk, to the extreme right-hand side of the road and there receive or discharge passengers, except upon one-way streets, where passengers may be discharged at either the right- or left-hand sidewalk, or side of the road in the absence of a sidewalk.
   (C)   Additional passengers. No driver shall permit any other person to ride in the vehicle for hire, unless the person or persons first employing the vehicle shall consent to the acceptance of additional passenger or passengers. No charge shall be made for an additional passenger except when the additional passenger rides beyond the previous passenger's destination and then only for the additional distance so traveled.
   (D)   Restriction on number of passengers. No driver shall permit more persons to be carried in a vehicle for hire as passengers than the rated seating capacity of his or her vehicle as stated by the manufacturer of the vehicle. A child under the age of six shall be subject to the city and state laws concerning child restraint devices, safety belt or safety harnesses.
   (E)   Refusal to carry orderly passengers prohibited. No driver shall refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person or persons, upon request, unless previously engaged or unable or forbidden by the provisions of this chapter to do so.
   (F)   Prohibitions of drivers. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any driver of a vehicle for hire to solicit business for any hotel, motel or inn or to attempt to divert patronage from one hotel, motel or inn to another. Neither shall such driver engage in selling intoxicating liquors or solicit business for any house of ill repute or use his or her vehicle for any purpose other than the transporting of passengers or small parcels. It shall be unlawful for a driver, owner or operator to knowingly permit any vehicle for hire to be used in the perpetration of a crime.
   (G)   Prohibition of passengers. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle for hire to permit any person to stand on the outside of such vehicle while the same is in motion, and it shall be unlawful for any person to ride on the outside board of such vehicle when the same is in motion.
   (H)   Traffic rules. It shall be the duty of every driver of a vehicle for hire to obey all traffic laws established by the city or state.
   (I)   No smoking. No smoking shall be permitted in any vehicle for hire.
   (J)   Operation of non-permitted vehicles. No owner or driver shall accept a fare, allow another to accept a fare on behalf of a permitted business, or otherwise operate as a vehicle for hire if the vehicle in use is not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Any owner or driver found to be in violation of this section shall be subject to all penalties provided for in this chapter, including but not limited to fines and suspension or revocation of the vehicle for hire business permit or vehicle for hire driver's license, as the case may be.
(Ord. 2561, passed 1-9-2018) Penalty, see § 114.99