§ 114.15 RATES/FARES.
   (A)   Taxi and vehicle for hire operators shall submit proposed rate changes at the time of permit renewal and the rate schedule for each permitted taxi company shall be recorded with the Clerk.
   (B)   On request of a passenger, a driver shall advise any passenger in advance as to the rate to be charged for transporting that passenger between any two points within the city.
   (C)   It is unlawful for any person to charge any fare other than the amount registered on the rate card or the agreed charge when the vehicle is employed by the hour or for transporting goods, wares and merchandise.
   (D)   Every driver shall have the right to demand payment of the legal fare in advance and may refuse employment unless so prepaid.
   (E)   It is unlawful for any person to fail to pay or to receive payment for the fare in accordance with such determination or for any person to willfully fail to pay the established rate if there is no reasonable dispute as to the amount owed.
   (F)   The person driving a vehicle for hire shall be equipped at all times to render a receipt for the amount charged, either by mechanically printed receipt or by a specially prepared receipt on which shall be listed the name of the company, permit number or motor number, amount of rate, if so recorded or charges and date of transaction.
(Ord. 2561, passed 1-9-2018) Penalty, see § 114.99