(A)   Statutory requirements. The installation and use of butane, propane or other liquefied petroleum gas is subject to requirements of the applicable codes and ordinances of the city and state, including the International Fire Code, the International Fuel Gas Code and the International Plumbing Code.
(2012 Code, § 18-251)
   (B)   City requirements. No residence shall be furnished with butane, propane or other liquefied petroleum gas for residential use where natural gas service from a franchised utility is available within 100 feet to serve the structure through the extension of existing gas mains.
(2012 Code, § 18-252)
   (C)   Location.
      (1)   Storage tanks for butane, propane or other liquefied petroleum gas for residential uses shall not be located within ten feet of any structure, property line, electrical service or electrical outlet.
      (2)   Replenishment cannot be made from a public street, so the tank must be located within 75 feet of a paved or highly compacted surface driveway. Underground tanks are allowed; provided, they are installed to applicable regulations.
      (3)   Storage tanks must be located or shielded so as not to be visible from public streets adjacent to the residence.
(2012 Code, § 18-253) Penalty, see § 150.99