The following are declared to be nuisances and as such are liable to be abated; and the person guilty of causing, permitting or suffering any of them upon his or her premises or in any building occupied or controlled by him or her or in or upon any street, alley, sidewalk or gutter immediately adjacent to such premises shall be guilty of a misdemeanor:
   (A)   Any building, erection or cellar, or any part of such building, erection or cellar, which is overcrowded or not provided with adequate means of ingress or egress or is not sufficiently supported, ventilated, provided sewer service, drained, cleaned or lighted;
   (B)   All cellars, vaults, drains, pools, privies, sewers, yards, grounds or premises which have for any cause become foul, nauseous or offensive or injurious to the health, or unpleasant to adjacent residences or to persons passing such premises;
   (C)   All carcasses, all decaying flesh, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetables, all deposits of manure, all flesh of any kind or description whatever, all filthy or offensive water or slops in any private yard or premises, and all other unwholesome substances when thrown upon or conducted into or upon any street, alley, public ground or enclosure in such manner as to render such substances unwholesome and offensive or liable to become unwholesome or offensive;
   (D)   All privies, all markets, cellars, laundries, stores or other buildings or places which are not kept clean and free from filthy and unwholesome substances and odors, all deposits or substances that are offensive or liable to engender disease;
   (E)   Every trade, business or occupation determined to be injurious to the health or comfort of persons who reside in the vicinity, and any can or receptacle containing water, slops or rubbish suffered to become stagnant or offensive or unwholesome from any cause;
   (F)   The act of depositing filth or any foul, offensive, nauseous or injurious substance upon any sidewalk, street, alley, public thoroughfare or other public place;
   (G)   The act of burning any substance of any kind;
   (H)   The act of defecating or urinating upon the streets, alleys or public grounds, or in any place that may be seen from a private residence, or by persons passing along the streets, alleys or public thoroughfare;
   (I)   The act of keeping, raising, possessing or having in or about the premises, except within enclosures, any pigeons with intent to keep, raise or breed them;
   (J)   The act by any person of permitting or allowing any weeds, filth or rubbish of any kind to remain on any sidewalk in front of or at the side of or upon any alley that may be at the side or rear of any premises owned by such person;
   (K)   The act of expectorating or spitting of mucous, or saliva, or saliva mixed with tobacco, or secretions from the nose or air passages, or the remains of any chewed or partly chewed tobacco or snuff, or the remnant of any partially chewed or smoked cigar or cigarette upon any sidewalk, public building or public vehicle, place or building or public resort within the corporate limits of the city;
   (L)   The act of hauling, carrying or transporting any meat or slaughtered or dead animals or fish through the streets of the city without having such material entirely covered, screened and protected from dust and public view;
   (M)   The act of throwing from any opening in, or carrying from, any dwelling or place of abode, any night soil, feces, urine or filth or unclean water into or upon any alley, street or sidewalk or into or upon any adjacent property not owned by the principal;
   (N)   The act of conducting or causing to be conducted into any alley or gutter any wastewater from any sink or tank or any source of water supply which may produce any pool or pools of stagnant water in any alley or gutter;
   (O)   Any article or substance placed upon any street, sidewalk, alley, gutter, drain or public ground, except such articles as are permitted by ordinance of the city, in such manner as to obstruct such passageway;
   (P)   The act of throwing any glass, tin, queen’s ware, crockery or other rubbish into or upon the sidewalks, streets, alleys, public thoroughfares, commons, drains or gutters;
   (Q)   Any unwholesome food or adulterated medicine, and all cattle, horse or hog pens, stables or enclosed areas in which any cattle, horses or hogs may be kept or confined which may from use have become offensive;
   (R)   Any granaries, barns, elevators or other premises where rats breed or are harbored;
   (S)   Any nauseous, foul or putrid liquids, or substances likely to be nauseous, foul, offensive or putrid, discharged, placed, thrown or conducted into or upon any street, alley, public ground or common;
   (T)   The act of wrongfully casting, throwing or depositing any filth, substance or thing into any private or public well or cistern;
   (U)   The act of erecting or maintaining buildings or structures with roofs or eaves projecting beyond the property line or shedding water upon any property other than that belonging to the owner of such structure or building; and
   (V)   Any other act or thing done or suffered within the city limits, which may interfere with the enjoyment by any member of the city, or any person who may be deprived of his or her right to be free from foul, noxious or offensive or unpleasant odors or vapors, and to breathe fresh air and to be free from the sight of foul or offensive objects and substances.
(2012 Code, § 34-68)  Penalty, see § 91.99