(A)   Required. The owner of a dog or cat shall provide and place on the animal a collar or harness to which the license tag and rabies vaccine tag required by this subchapter shall be affixed, and the owner shall see that the collar or harness and tags are worn at all times by the dog or cat. The tag shall at all times be securely fastened around the neck of the dog or cat, and the failure of the owner in this respect shall have the same effect as if no license fee had been paid upon the dog or cat. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any counterfeit license tag upon a dog or cat, except the tag adopted and issued by the city.
   (B)   Duplicate tags. In case a tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the Police Department Secretary upon presentation of the receipt showing the payment of the license fee for the current period, presentation of a certificate showing that the dog or cat has been vaccinated against rabies within one year of the date, and the payment of a fee which shall be as established by the Council for such duplicate.
   (C)   Transferability, refunds. Dog and cat tags shall not be transferable from one dog or cat to another, and no refunds shall be made on any license fee because of the death of a dog or cat or the owner’s leaving the city before the expiration period.
(2012 Code, § 10-40)  Penalty, see § 90.99