For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COLLECTOR.  The town or its authorized representatives, agents or contractors.
   COMMERCIAL.  Any person who generates more than 200 gallons of garbage or rubbish per collection event.
   CONTAINERS.  The receptacles provided to owners by the town or its authorized representative, agent or contractor for disposal of refuse.
   DIRECTOR.  Director of Public Works of the Town of Clifton.
   GARBAGE.  All putrescible waste, except sewage, body and medical waste, including waste accumulated of animal, food or vegetable matter, and including waste that attends preparing, using, cooking, dealing in or storing meat, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable matter, and shall include all of the wastes, accumulations or vegetable matter of residences, restaurants, hotels and places where food is prepared for human consumption. The term GARBAGE shall not include recognized industrial byproducts or hazardous waste in any amount.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE.  All wastes that are hazardous by reason of their pathological, explosive, flammable, radiological or toxic nature. The terms shall mean any refuse that can cause damage or injury to property or persons, including HAZARDOUS WASTE as defined by applicable state and federal law and household products or items such as paint, pesticides, poisons, cleaning solvents, tanks, automotive batteries, tainted gasoline, used oil and other automobile fluids considered to be household hazardous waste.
   INSPECTOR.  The authorized employee or employees of the town having the duty of enforcing this chapter.
   OWNER.  Every owner, operator, tenant, occupant or person in possession, charge or in control of any building, structure, residence, dwelling, premises, eating place, shop, place of business, or manufacturing or commercial establishment where refuse is created or accumulated.
   PERSON.  Any individual, company, business entity, firm, corporation, partnership, consortium, joint venture, commercial entity or any federal, state, county or municipal governmental body or entity.
   REFUSE.  Solid garbage and rubbish.
   RESIDENTIAL.  Any person who generates less than 200 gallons of garbage or rubbish per collection event.
   RUBBISH.  Refuse other than garbage. RUBBISH includes, but is not limited to, tin cans, bottles, ashes, paper, pasteboard, cardboard, wood, brush, leaves, weeds and cuttings from trees, lawns, shrubs and gardens, or other waste produced in normal course of everyday living. RUBBISH may not include hazardous waste as defined elsewhere in this chapter.
   SERVICE.  A system for refuse collection, transportation and disposal provided by the town or its authorized representatives, agents or contractors to an owner for a fee.
   WASTE.  Unwanted solid or liquid materials.
(Ord. 01-2004, passed 4-8-2004; Ord. 02-2006, passed 12-14-2006)