(A)   Any dog or cat which has bitten a person shall be observed for a period of ten days from the date of the bite. The procedure and place of observation shall be designated by the Police Department or animal services officer. If the dog or cat is not allowed an at-home quarantine, confinement shall be by impoundment in any city veterinary hospital of the owner’s choice. Such confinement shall be at the expense of the owner. Stray dogs or cats whose owners cannot be located shall be confined in a local veterinary hospital or animal shelter at the discretion of the animal services officer. The owner of any dog or cat that has been reported to have inflicted a bite on any person shall on demand produce said dog or cat for impoundment as prescribed in this section. Refusal to produce the dog or cat constitutes a violation of this section, and each day of such refusal shall constitute a separate and individual violation. At no time shall a dog or cat be allowed at-home quarantine if the animal was in violation of any provisions of this chapter at the time of the bite.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to remove from any place of confinement any dog or cat which has been confined as authorized in this section without consent of the police or animal services officer, until the designated term of confinement is met.
('68 Code, § 5-3(d),(e)) (Ord. 3-1989-10, passed 3-21-89; Am. Ord. 09-2016-47, passed 9-27-16; Am. Ord. 07-2021-32, passed 7-13-21) Penalty, see § 91.999