§ 110.003 PURPOSE.
   The regulation of ambulances and ambulance service as herein established has been made in the exercise of the sound discretion of the City Council and the City Council finds that such regulations are necessary for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the community; that such regulations have been designed to lessen congestion by emergency vehicles on the public streets and to secure safety to pedestrians and vehicles using the public streets and thoroughfares; that such regulations are necessary to protect health, life and property; that such regulations apply to all operators of ambulances as a whole, operating for hire under emergency conditions or otherwise on the streets and public thoroughfares, in such a manner as to minimize the hazards and dangers inherent in the operations of ambulances under emergency conditions; and that public necessity requires that such regulations be adopted to preserve and enforce the health, safety and welfare and the good order and security of the city and its inhabitants. These regulations are adopted by the City Council pursuant to the Tex. Health and Safety Code § 773.051 which provides that municipalities may establish standards for ambulances.
(Am. Ord. 09-2003-48, passed 9-23-03)