(A) In no case shall a sign be located such that it unsafely limits intersection visibility, site access or any intersection visibility requirements.
(B) Sign space is the area of a sign structure in which a sign message may be displayed.
(C) Sign structure is the architectural enclosure, support or accessory structure upon or within which approved sign space is located.
(D) Setback envelope. The setback envelope is defined as the distance between the street right of way and the sign setback envelopes seek to alleviate sign clutter, driver confusion and distraction, and sight line encroachments by only allowing certain sign types within specified distances from the street right-of-way. Applicable sign standards within any sign district will vary according to the sign type and the sign setback. There are three primary setback envelopes: the streetscape setback envelope, the internal setback envelope and the building setback envelope.
(1) Streetscape setback envelope. The space between the property boundary and the edge of the Internal Envelope. The width of the Streetscape Envelope varies according to street type, based on the city’s transportation master plan.
(a) For arterials and other major throughways: streetscape envelope extends from the street-fronting right-of-way line into the property for a distance of 15 feet.
(b) For collectors, the streetscape envelope extends from the street-fronting right-of-way line into the property for a distance of eight feet.
(c) For lots with less than eight-foot setbacks from street-fronting public right-of-way line, there shall be no streetscape envelope.
(2) Internal setback envelope. The space between the streetscape setback envelope and the Building Setback Envelope. This space includes all parking aprons between the streetscape envelope and Building Envelope, as well as the space underneath canopies and arcades. For lots with less than eight foot setbacks from street-fronting public right-of-way line, the internal envelope shall extend from the street-fronting property line to the building façade. This area can be extended into the streetscape setback envelope under license by the city with a duly executed license agreement.
(3) The building setback envelope. The vertical walls of a building, as well as the signs that are attached to structurally mounted components of the building façade, such as canopies, arcades, balconies and awnings.
(Ord. 01-2016-07, passed 1-26-16)