It shall be unlawful to double park any motor vehicle within that portion of the Business District of the Town of Clayton known as the Fire Zone, except as follows:
   (A)   Passenger vehicles may not be double parked for any period;
   (B)   Light delivery trucks, so long as actually necessary, double park on the side being delivered to, provided there is no regular parking space within 100 feet of the door to which delivery is being made;
   (C)   On Saturdays and holidays between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., no deliveries shall be made from any truck or car, unless parked at the curb in a regular parking space;
   (D)   All trucks parking within the Fire Zone limits of the town shall be under the direction of the Police Department at all times and hours, and that at any time an owner or driver is ordered or asked to move a truck by a police officer of the town, the owner or driver shall comply at once. No truck shall park in front of any premises occupied in whole or in part by a church building; and
   (E)   No vehicle may park in any alley at any time except while actually engaged in loading or unloading.
(Ord. 304, passed 12-9-1946; Am. Ord. 311, passed 2-23-1948) Penalty, see § 73.99