(A)   No vehicle shall be operated with any person in front of the driver or operator thereof, nor shall there be more than 2 persons on any vehicle.
   (B)   Not more than 2 vehicles shall be operated side by side in the same lane of traffic on any multi-lane highway, nor upon any town street, highway or alley, nor shall more than 1 lane at a time be occupied by 2 or more vehicles abreast.
   (C)   Every vehicle shall observe all motor vehicle traffic regulations provided by the laws of the State of New Mexico and ordinances of the Town of Clayton, including but not limited to this subchapter.
   (D)   No vehicle shall occupy the left-hand or high speed lane of traffic in any multi-lane highway so as to block use of same by overtaking motor vehicles, but every vehicle shall when possible, move into the right-hand lane of any multi-lane highway so as to yield the right-of-way to overtaking traffic; 2 or more vehicles shall not travel abreast on any street or highway so as to prevent other motor vehicles going in the same direction from overtaking or passing them, but the vehicles shall move into a single- file position on any street or highway, when reasonably required so to do by either an overtaking vehicle going in the same direction attempting to pass or by an approaching motor vehicle going in the opposite direction attempting to pass the vehicle or vehicles.
(Ord. 431, passed 9-13-1965) Penalty, see § 72.99