§ 155.603 LOTS AND BLOCKS.
   (A)   Lots.
      (1)   Every lot shall abut or front on a public or private street that complies with all applicable standards of this chapter.
      (2)   Lot sites, shapes, and locations shall be made with due regard to topographic conditions, contemplated uses, and the surrounding areas. All lots approved after January 6, 1997 shall contain the minimum required lot width of the applicable zoning district within 50 feet of the street right-of-way adjoining the front yard.
      (3)   Double frontage lots shall be avoided, except when lots adjoin a thoroughfare and access is desirable by a street of residential scale, and discouraged or prohibited on the thoroughfare.
      (4)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   (B)   Blocks.
      (1)   Blocks shall be laid out with special consideration given to the type of land use proposed within the block.
      (2)   Blocks shall not exceed 1,500 feet in length.
      (3)   Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth, except where otherwise required to separate residential development from through traffic.
      (4)   In all districts except RE, I-1 and I-2, pedestrian connection not less than ten feet in width shall be required near the center and entirely across any block in excess of 900 feet in length to provide adequate access to schools, shopping centers, churches, or transportation facilities.
      (5)   A pedestrian connection not less than ten feet in width shall be required through a residential cul-de-sac when the cul-de-sac helps provide adequate access to schools, shopping centers, churches, or transportation facilities. For these purposes, this connection is required when another connection (per (B)(4) above) does not exist or the cul-de-sac terminates within 350' of either a public right-of-way, sidewalk, greenway, school, transportation facility, park, library or public community facility, or shopping center.
(Ord. 2005-11-02, passed 11-21-05; Am. Ord. 2019-04-03, passed 4-1-19; Am. Ord. 2021-02-02, passed 2-15-21)