(A)   Membership. The Advisory Board shall consist of a total of up to seven members, five members minimum: one or two town residents serving for four year staggered terms; one or two Claytex Tax District residents serving for four-year staggered terms, three members of the Fire Department (active) serving for three-year staggered terms.
   (B)   Officers. Chairman to be determined by board annually.
   (C)   Appointments. Appointments to be made for the town residents and the Claytex Tax District residents through the established application process of the town. Appointments for the three members of the Fire Department will be based on nominations submitted by the Fire Department members. Membership to be approved by the Town Council.
   (D)   Attendance. Regular meetings shall be held quarterly, or more frequently as determined by the Chairman in consultation with the Fire Chief. Members must attend at least three meetings each year to remain in good standing. Failure to attend three meetings per year without an excused absence shall be considered voluntary resignation and the member shall be removed and replaced.
   (E)   By-laws. The Fire Department Advisory Board will establish by-laws for conducting meetings and related activities.
(Ord. 99-03-03, passed 3-15-99; Am. Ord. 2005-11-01, passed 11-21-05)