§ 32.117 MEMBERS.
   (A)   Appointment. There shall be 11 members appointed by the Town Council. The membership should be as broadly representative of the community as possible. (Amend. adopted 10-2-89)
   (B)   Ex officio member. The Town Council shall appoint a member to serve as an ex officio member. The ex officio member will not have a vote on items coming before the Recreation Advisory Committee.
   (C)   Length of appointment. Each member shall be appointed for a three-year term. Initial appointments shall be arranged so that four members shall serve three-year terms, four members serve two-year terms, and four members serve one-year terms. The terms will expire each December 31, except for the representative from the Town Council who will serve concurrently with his term of office.
   (D)   Vacancies. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Committee by resignation, death, or otherwise, it shall be filled without undue delay by the Town Council. The appointee shall serve for the duration of the unexpired term.
   (E)   Removal of members. Any one or more of the members of the Committee may be removed with or without cause, at any time, through a request of the Committee to the Town Council or directly by the Town Council.
(Am. Ord. 2019-12-03, passed 12-16-19)