§ 36.256 USE OF FUNDS.
   (A)   Monies from the Clarksville Broadway Corridor Improvement Fund may be dispersed in payment after:
      (1)   The appropriation of funds by the Town Council;
      (2)   The filing of a proper claim; and
      (3)   The issuance of a warrant by the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (B)   Monies deposited into the Clarksville Broadway Corridor Improvement Fund may be used for all reasonable and necessary expenditures in making the municipal improvements to the Broadway Corridor.
   (C)   The Clarksville Redevelopment Commission is required to use the Clarksville Broadway Corridor Improvement Fund to the extent and in a manner allowed by law.
(Ord. 2007-G-03, passed 11-13-07)