(A)   Prior to issuance of a use and occupancy permit, recording of the final plat or final release of bond, the as-built condition (including: invert elevations, size shape and location) of critical storm water management features must be identified and approved.
   (B)   The volume, slopes, configuration, condition and topographic information of all detention, retention and water quality practices shall be certified by a licensed professional engineer. This information shall be provided to the town, in the form of an as-built drawing or other electronic form accepted/required by the town. The as-built certification shall indicate if final conditions are consistent with, or exceed, the SWQMP provisions.
   (C)   This section provides a set of guidelines and standards to ensure all plan submittals in digital format are compatible with the GIS system of the town. The goal of these requirements is not to burden the engineering, development and design community, but to standardize submittals to ensure quality and compatibility. The following standards have been developed and once initiated further revisions may be required.
      (1)   The media will be legibly labeled with project name and phase; type of drawing (as-built, preliminary, final, etc.); submittal number; file creation date; and contact information (name and phone number).
      (2)   As-built drawings shall be submitted in an electronic format as required by the town.
      (3)   Submittals shall be spatially referenced to NAD 83, Indiana Stateplane Coordinate System, East Zone, U.S. Survey feet and tied to Grant corners, USGS or HARN monumentation as available, or as otherwise required by the town.
      (4)   Elevations shall be referenced to the NAVD88 vertical datum.
      (5)   Drawings elements shall reside in the primary drawing file and not include cells, nodes, blocks or reference files (x-refs).
      (6)   All features included in the drawing must be drawn on their own layer and defined in the attribute table by a field named "LAYER," i.e. manholes should be attributed as MH in the field "LAYER."
      (7)   Metadata, or data documentation, should be included with each submittal. The metadata should include information outlining the naming convention of each drawing file included in submittal, the type of plans submitted (drainage or sewer), a description of each layer in the drawing including names and descriptions of each submitted file, the projection used to define the coordinate information used in the digital submittal, a reference to the record number for the plans, date of study/revision date, and any other notes pertinent to submittal.
    (D)   If it is determined that information provided in the as-built drawing, certification, inspection or survey of the site do not meet or exceed the SWQMP provisions, the town reserves the right to withhold certification of occupancy or final bond. Furthermore, other enforcement mechanisms, as identified within this chapter, may be applied to the permittee or the person certifying the as-built information.
   (E)   If upon inspection by the town or its designated representative it is determined that there is an item that must be addressed to receive acceptance of site conditions, then the permittee shall be required to continue inspections and maintenance as described in the SWQMP.
(Ord. 2005-SW-03, passed 12-13-05)