§ 155.034 ACCEPTANCE.
   (A)   Site inspection and approval by the town must be received before any land disturbance or grading may proceed.
   (B)   The town may inspect the site prior to the acceptance of the perimeter protection plan. Inspection will be performed within seven days after the submittal of the plan and installation of the perimeter protection devices, but before any disturbance or clearing has been performed. The inspector shall either approve the portion of work completed or shall notify the permittee where the work fails to comply with the perimeter protection plan, as approved.
   (C)   Inspection of perimeter protection BMPs shall consist of a visual check list for each type of BMP to ensure that each was designed and installed according to site specific conditions.
   (D)   Acceptance of the perimeter control plan and inspection of the appropriate BMPs shall compensate for and address any seasonal variations which may hinder the effectiveness of the BMPs. Seasonal variations may include changes in flow, hydrology, temperature, and vegetation. BMPs shall be designed according to these variations and appropriately to maintain a level of service.
(Ord. 2004-SW-02, passed 11-9-04)