(A)   Establishment. The Town of Clarksville Arts Commission (“Arts Commission”) is hereby created for those purposes set forth in this subchapter.
   (B)   Membership. The membership of the Arts Commission shall be comprised as follows.
      (1)   There shall be five voting members, three non-voting advisory members, a non-voting member from the town’s Planning and Zoning Department, and the town’s Communications Director, who shall be nonvoting.
      (2)   The voting members shall be appointed by the Town Council.
      (3)   The voting members shall be residents of the Town of Clarksville or owners of businesses in the Town of Clarksville.
      (4)   One voting member should be a member of the Clarksville Historical Preservation Commission.
      (5)   The voting members shall select a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.
      (6)   The voting members shall select the three advisory members, who are not required to be residents of the Town of Clarksville or business owners in the town.
   (C)   Terms. The terms of office for the Arts Commission shall be as follows.
      (1)   Terms for the voting members are staggered as follows.
         (a)   Three of the first appointees shall serve a term of three years.
         (b)   Two of the first appointees shall serve terms of two years.
         (c)   Upon the expiration of these initial terms, all terms shall be for two years.
      (2)   If a vacancy in the voting membership occurs, the Town Council shall appoint a replacement to serve the balance of the vacated member’s term.
      (3)   Terms for the three non-voting advisory members shall be one year.
      (4)   If a vacancy in the advisory membership occurs, the voting members shall appoint a replacement to serve the balance of the vacated member’s term.
   (D)   Meetings. The Arts Commission shall meet once a month. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum.
   (E)   Purpose. The primary purpose of the Arts Commission is to integrate artworks into the public realm. The secondary purpose of the Arts Commission is to serve in an advisory role to private property owners and developers who wish to integrate artworks in the development or improvement of publicly accessible or visible private property.
   (F)   Objectives. The general objective of the Arts Commission is to increase arts and cultural assets within the town with a special emphasis on an Arts District by leading the selection and creation of public art projects and supporting public art events, including the performing arts and to ensure that art is woven into the fabric of the town while also beautifying the town and promoting positive economic impact and residential growth.
   (G)   Reporting. The Arts Commission shall make an annual report to the Town Council of planned, ongoing, or completed projects supported by it.
(Ord. 2023-G-12, passed 10-17-23)