(A)   In addition to any requirements of the Planning and Zoning Department and/or Building Department, licenses or permits from the Animal Control Officer shall be required in the following categories, in addition to those set forth elsewhere in this chapter. Each separate location must be licensed separately, inspected and meet the requirements of this chapter prior to the license or permit being issued.
   (B)   License or permits in these categories shall be effective each July 1 and be valid for each event, yearly or 24 months, respectively, as indicated below. Each holder of a license or permit consents to an inspection by the Animal Control Officer during upon request during reasonable hours during the respective periods.
      (1)   Kennel. Twenty-four months.
      (2)   Pet shop. Twenty-four months.
      (3)   Livery, riding, or boarding stable. Twenty-four months.
      (4)   Animal welfare group shelter. Twenty-four months.
      (5)   Animal-drawn vehicles (one license per company). Twenty-four months.
      (6)   Theatrical exhibition. Each event.
      (7)   Wildlife permit. Twenty-four months.
      (8)   Animal dealer. Twenty-four months.
      (9)   Circus. Each event.
      (10)   Swine permit. (This shall include pot-bellied pigs and other swine kept as pets). Twenty-four months.
      (11)   Dangerous dog. Yearly.
      (12)   Potentially dangerous dog. Yearly.
      (13)   Apiary (bee hives). Yearly.
   (C)   The application for or the grant of a license set forth under divisions (A) and (B), above, except for dogs licensed under divisions (B)(l4), and (B)(l5), is deemed to permit periodic inspections of the public areas of any such licensed entity during such entity's business hours for the purpose of verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter. This section, and all other provisions in this chapter authorizing such inspections, shall be reasonably construed and applied by CAC personnel.
   (D)   Any person applying for a license under this chapter or elsewhere under this chapter who is not the owner of the property for which the license is sought must, in addition to all other requirements, provide a letter of authorization from the landlord or other property owner for the activity being licensed. This letter must have the name, address, and telephone number of the property owner.
   (E)   It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for a license to confirm that the activity for which the license is sought is allowable under the Town of Clarksville Zoning Code, and the issuance of a license does not permit and shall not be construed permitting activities prohibited under the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2020-G-3, passed 6-16-20)