§ 36.340 CREATED.
   (A)   The Town Board determines that a need now exists for the establishment of a Fire Protection Territory Equipment Replacement Fund for the Clarksville-Jeffersonville Township Fire Protection Territory for all uses as set out in IC 36-8-19-8.5.
   (B)   The Town Board will adhere to the provisions of IC 36-8-19-8.5. The proposed fund will not exceed $0.0333 on each $100 of assessed valuation. Said tax rate will be levied beginning with taxes due and payable in 2020 and thereafter, continuing until reduced or rescinded.
   (C)   Proofs of publication of the public hearing held on March 27, 2019 and a certified copy of this section shall be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance of the State of Indiana as provided by law. This Fire Protection Territory Equipment Replacement Fund is subject to the approval of the Department of Local Government Finance.
   (D)   The town is the provider unit of the Clarksville- Jefferson Township Fire Protection Territory. The other participating unit is Jeffersonville Township. As the provider unit, the town is authorized to establish this Fund.
   (E)   This section incorporates by reference, as if fully set forth herein, the contents of the agreement to establish this Fund as set forth in Ordinance 2019-G-04.
(Ord. 2019-G-05, passed 3-27-19)