(A)   The village shall address any short-term water shortage problems through a series of stages based on conditions of supply and demand with accompanying triggers, goals, and actions. Each stage is more stringent in water use than the previous stage since there will be a greater deterioration in water supply conditions. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to implement the appropriate conservation measures as set forth in this section when any of the conditions have been reached which would qualify for any of the specific stages. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees is given discretion to declare each particular stage as deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees by reviewing the severity of the trigger conditions and other additional information, and is further authorized to implement conservation measures within the guidelines provided for each particular stage.
   (B)   The stages of water conservation measures are as follows.
      (1)   Stage one: water watch. 
         (a)   This stage is triggered by any one of the following conditions.
            1.   Groundwater levels have fallen five feet below normal seasonal levels.
            2.   System pressure falls below 35 pounds per square inch.
            3.   Demand for one day is in excess of 500,000 gallons per day.
         (b)   The goals of this stage are to heighten awareness of the public of the water conditions and to maintain the integrity of the system.
         (c)   Management actions of this stage are as follows.
            1.   Leaks will be repaired within 48 hours of detection.
            2.   The village will monitor its use of water and will curtail activities such as hydrant flushing and street cleaning.
         (d)   The public will be informed through the local media and legal postings of the water watch and be asked to voluntarily reduce outdoor water use and to efficiently use water for indoor purposes (e.g., washing full loads of clothing and/or dishes, limiting the length and frequency of showers, checking for water leaks and dripping of faucets) to prevent any unnecessary use of water.
      (2)   Stage two: water warning.
         (a)   This stage is triggered by any one of the following conditions:
            1.   Groundwater levels have fallen ten feet below normal seasonal levels.
            2.   System pressure falls below 35 pounds per square inch.
            3.   Plant operations are at 80% capacity for more than three consecutive days.
            4.   Demand for one day is in excess of 500,000 gallons per day.
         (b)   The goals of this stage are to reduce peak demands by 20% and to reduce overall weekly consumption by 10%.
         (c)   Management actions are as follows.
            1.   Water supply will be monitored daily.
            2.   Leaks will be repaired within 24 hours of detection.
            3.   Pumpage at wells will be reduced to decrease drawdown and to maintain water levels over well screens.
            4.   Village will curtail its water usage, including watering of village grounds and washing of vehicles.
         (d)   In addition to the regulatory actions under stage one, the Board of Trustees may exercise the following regulatory authority:
            1.   An odd/even lawn watering system will be imposed on village residents. Residents with odd-numbered houses will water on odd days, even-numbered houses on even days.
            2.   Outdoor water use, including lawn watering and car washing, will be restricted to before 10:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m.
            3.   Refilling of swimming pools will be limited to one day a week after sunset.
            4.   Excess water use charges for usage of water over the amount used in the winter will be imposed at a rate twice the normal rate for water usage.
            5.   Waste of water will be prohibited.
      (3)   Stage three: water emergency.
         (a)   This stage is triggered by any one of the following conditions:
            1.   Groundwater levels have fallen 15 feet below normal seasonal levels.
            2.   System pressure falls below 35 pounds per square inch.
            3.   Pumping lowers water levels to within five feet of the top of the well screens.
            4.   Plant operations are at 90% capacity for more than three consecutive days.
            5.   Demand for one day is in excess of 500,000 gallons per day.
         (b)   The goals of this stage are to reduce peak demands by 50% and to reduce overall consumption by 25%.
         (c)   Education actions are as follows.
            1.   The village will make news releases to local media describing current conditions and indicate the water supply outlook for the village.
            2.   The village will hold public meeting(s) to discuss the emergency, the status of the water supply and further actions that need to be taken.
         (d)   Management actions are as follows.
            1.   The village water supplies will be monitored daily.
            2.   Leaks will be repaired within 24 hours of detection.
            3.   Standby wells will be activated for contingency operation.
            4.   Pumpage at wells will be reduced to decrease drawdown and to maintain water levels over well screens.
            5.   The village will seek additional emergency supplies from other users, or the state or federal government.
         (e)   In addition to the regulatory actions available under stage two, the Board of Trustees may exercise the following regulatory authority.
            1.   Outdoor water use will be banned, except for businesses that require outdoor water use to operate.
            2.   Waste of water will be prohibited.
   (C)   In the event that any water consumer fails to comply with the regulatory action taken by the village, the Board of Trustees may direct the Water Superintendent to perform the immediate discontinuance of water service to the location that is not in compliance with the restrictions imposed. Water services may be resumed upon the Board of Trustees being provided adequate evidence to show that compliance has been instituted and that compliance will continue under the restrictions imposed.
(Prior Code, § 3-111.01) (Ord. 701, passed 5-10-2006) Penalty, see § 51.99