(A)   Intention of district. This district is intended primarily for professional office uses, personal service uses and retail service uses which dispense convenience goods and services directly to consumers on the premises.
      (1)   The conduct of uses shall be completely within enclosed buildings except for accessory off-street parking, loading facilities and drive-in service windows approved as special uses.
      (2)   Establishments where the principal use is the drive-in type of business, however, are not permitted.
   (B)   Permitted uses. No building structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used except as one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the R3 Multi-Family Residential District;
      (2)   General business offices including insurance agencies, real estate agencies, trade association offices, communication company offices, travel agencies and health studios;
      (3)   Clothing service uses including dry cleaning and laundry receiving stations, laundromats, dressmaking, tailoring and shoe repair shop;
      (4)   Equipment service uses including electrical household appliance store, radio, television, record sales and repairs, sporting goods and hardware stores;
      (5)   Food service uses including grocery, meat and fish markets, delicatessen eating places and bakery;
      (6)   Personal service uses including beauty and barber shops, camera and photographic shops and optician shops;
      (7)   Professional office uses including clinics;
      (8)   Retail service uses including drug stores, variety stores, book and stationary stores, news stands, candy and ice cream stores, florists, gift, antique, art, music, toy, hobby shops, package liquor stores, paint and wall paper stores, jewelry and leather stores;
      (9)   Special service uses including children’s homes, day care facilities, kindergartens and nursing homes;
      (10)   Accessory uses which are incidental to or commonly associated with the operation or permitted use;
      (11)   Temporary uses;
      (12)   Other uses comparable and compatible with those set forth in this section;
      (13)   Funeral home or mortuary; and
      (14)   Church.
   (C)   Minimum floor area (residential).
      (1)   The minimum floor area in this district shall be as follows:
         (a)   Nine hundred fifty square feet for single-family structures;
         (b)   For two-family structures (duplexes) 500 square feet for one bedroom;
         (c)   Six hundred (square feet for a two-bedroom unit; and
         (d)   Seven hundred square feet for a three-bedroom unit.
      (2)   Minimum floor area is exclusive of open porches, attached garages and accessory structures.
   (D)   Maximum floor area (business use). No single business establishment shall exceed 12,000 square feet in total gross floor area.
   (E)   Special uses. Those special uses that are permitted in this district are set forth in § 156.48.
   (F)   Setback lines. The minimum setback lines shall be as follows.
      (1)   Front: the front yard setback shall be determined, with reference to the United States Department of Transportation Functional Roadway Classification System, in the manner provided as follows.
         (a)   For lots located on a major collector, the front setback shall be a distance of 70 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
         (b)   For lots located on interstates, expressways or other principal arterials, the front setback shall be a distance of 60 feet from the right-of-way.
         (c)   For lots located on a minor collector, the front setback shall be 70 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
         (d)   For local or minor streets, the front setback shall be 50 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
      (2)   Side and rear: the side and rear setbacks shall each be ten feet.
   (G)   Landscaping and buffering. Twenty-five feet of the transitional setback area and an area ten feet in width along the rear and ten feet in width along each side of the transitional setback area shall be maintained in natural material and utilized for landscaping purposes. Said landscaping materials shall include appropriate vegetation, durable plants and trees such as pine and evergreen species from the front building line to the rear. Any lot within this district that abuts any lot utilized for residential purposes shall also be screened with a combination of opaque fencing, not to exceed six feet and natural material consisting of either small trees and/or shrubs.
   (H)   Height restrictions. The maximum building height shall be 30 feet.
   (I)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage cannot exceed 75% of the total lot area.
   (J)   General off-street parking and loading requirements.
      (1)   Where a particular use in a specific district requires off-street parking, off-street parking shall be defined as hard surface area; parking spaces shall be a minimum of ten feet in width and 20 feet in length. If the off-street parking space cannot be provided on the same lot which the principal use is conducted, the Plan Commission may permit such space be provided on other off-street property provided such space be within 300 feet of any entrance to such principal use. Such off-street parking space shall thereafter be deemed to be required open space associated with this permitted use and shall not be reduced nor encroached upon in any manner.
      (2)   Where the specific use or district requires off-street loading of facilities each single loading berth shall be not less than ten feet in width and 45 feet in length and 14 feet in height if enclosed.
   (K)   Obstructions to vision at intersections prohibited. No fence, wall, hedge, earth terraces, parking facilities or other structure or plant which would obstruct motor vehicle visibility, traffic approaching a corner or intersection shall be erected.
   (L)   Off-street parking and loading. One space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area, and for office uses one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. For any other nonresidential use that is not appropriately defined as “retail or office,” the minimum parking requirements shall be one space per 200 square feet of building area.
   (M)   Signs. All signs are subject to those provisions set forth in §§ 156.45 and 156.46.
(Ord. 17-2007, passed 12-18-2007; Ord. passed 5-29-2008)