(A)   Purpose. This section is intended to provide reasonable standards for outdoor advertising while discouraging their proliferation, disrepair or garishness.
   (B)   Placement.
      (1)   An off-premise sign means an identification, description or illustration which directs attention to a product, person, business or service not offered or sold as the primary use, business or activity on the premises where it is located.
      (2)   An off-premise sign may not be erected or placed in any district until zoning use permit has been issued by the Plan Commission and written consent has been obtained from the owner or lessee of the premises on which the display is located. Items needed for a zoning use permit include a plot plan showing the exact location of the display and a frontal elevation showing size of sign and height above street level.
   (C)   Maintenance and removal.
      (1)   When the product, person, business or service that is advertised on an outdoor advertising display is abandoned or altered, the display must be removed or altered within 60 days to depict an existing product, person, business or service. The owner and tenant of the land are equally responsible for removal or alteration of the sign.
      (2)   An outdoor advertising display is considered not functional when any of the following conditions exist.
         (a)   Its essential elements are no longer readable.
         (b)   It is materially obstructed from view.
         (c)   A condition of substantial disrepair exists.
         (d)   The area that is leased for display or within 25 feet of a display on an undeveloped property is not kept free of weeds, debris or refuse.
      (3)   The County Building Commissioner has the right of entry to inspect outdoor advertising displays to determine whether they are functional. If the Commissioner determines that a display is not functional, he or she shall send written notice to the owner of the display to remove, alter or repair the display or the area of undeveloped property on which the display is located. If the owner does not comply within 60 days, the Commissioner shall order removal of the sign at the owner’s expense.
   (D)   Prohibitions. The following are prohibited in connection with any outdoor advertising display:
      (1)   Placement over or in a street highway right-of-way or sidewalk;
      (2)   Placement or installation where the display or its illumination may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with traffic or railroad signs or signals or oncoming traffic; or where said illumination and lighting would interfere with the quiet enjoyment of adjacent properties and/or where said lighting or proposed illumination would present a traffic hazard as determined by the appropriate governmental agency;
      (3)   Lights resembling danger or emergency lights;
      (4)   Flashing, moving or intermittent lights except white;
      (5)   Rotating or revolving beams of light; and
      (6)   Placement or projection of a sign nearer than 50 feet to a street or highway right-of-way line.
   (E)   Permitted signs by district.
      (1)   An outdoor advertising display may not be erected or placed in a C1, A1, PUD or any residential district.
      (2)   An outdoor advertising display may be erected or placed in any other district subject to the restriction shown on the following chart.
      (3)   A double-faced display whose two faces are not more than ten feet apart and a back-to-back whose two faces are not more than 15 feet apart is considered to be one display. A V-type display whose three faces are not more than 15 feet apart is considered to be one display.
County Outdoor Advertising Display Chart
M1, M2, M3
Total number of displays for each street frontage
Total area of display
300 sq. ft.
700 sq. ft.
1,000 sq. ft.
(Ord. 17-2007, passed 12-18-2007)