(A)   Intention of district. The A1 Agricultural District is designated for agricultural uses and is intended to protect rural areas from urban encroachment until such areas are adaptable to orderly urban expansion. Residential development is limited to houses on large lots, which provide adequate space for private sewer and water systems. It is the intent of this chapter to allow the continuation of existing agricultural operations and protect the use and value of both agricultural and non-agricultural land within the jurisdiction of the Plan Commission.
   (B)   Permitted uses. No building structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Agricultural uses including crop raising, truck gardens, greenhouses and plant nurseries and accessories as normally associated with such agricultural operations and/or raising of livestock;
      (2)   Single-family dwellings;
      (3)   Soil, water, fish, forest and wildlife conservation uses;
      (4)   Accessory uses;
      (5)   Churches;
      (6)   Seed dealers;
      (7)   Mobile homes;
      (8)   Group homes; and
      (9)   Church.
   (C)   Special uses. Those special uses that are permitted in this district are set forth in § 156.48.
   (D)   Lot size. The minimum lot size and dimensions for a single-family dwelling shall be as follows:
      (1)   Lots not served by sanitary sewer facilities approved by the State Board of Health (lots on septic systems):
         (a)   Area: 40,000 square feet; and
         (b)   Width and lot ratio: minimum width of said lots shall be 100 feet, with no lot having more than a 1:6 ratio of width to depth.
      (2)   Lots served by sanitary sewer facilities:
         (a)   Area: 9,600 square feet; and
         (b)   Width and lot ratio: The minimum width of said lots shall be 60 feet, with no lot having more than a 1:4 ratio of width to depth.
   (E)   Minimum floor area (residential). Nine hundred fifty square feet for single-family dwelling, except mobile home, which shall be 644 square feet.
   (F)   Setback lines. The minimum setback lines for a lot used for a single-family dwelling shall be as follows:
      (1)   Front: the front yard setback shall be determined, with reference to the United States Department of Transportation Functional Roadway Classification System, in the manner provided as follows.
         (a)   For lots located on a major collector, the front setback shall be a distance of 70 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
         (b)   For lots located on interstates, expressways or other principal arterials, the front setback shall be a distance of 60 feet from the right-of-way.
         (c)   For lots located on a minor collector, the front setback shall be 50 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
         (d)   For local or minor streets, the front setback shall be 50 feet from the center of the paved roadway.
      (2)   Rear: the rear setback shall be ten feet.
      (3)   Side: the side setback shall be six feet for all lots less than 100 feet in width and ten feet for all lots 100 feet or more in width.
      (4)   The side and rear setback for accessory structures shall be five feet.
   (G)   Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width for a lot used as a single-family dwelling, without a sanitary sewer, shall be 100 feet, and with a sanitary sewer, shall be 60 feet, on a county-maintained roadway or on a private easement or private right-of-way that provides ingress and egress to a county-maintained roadway; provided, however, that a private easement or private right-of-way shall not serve a lot unless the following conditions have been met: each such easement or right-of-way shall be in writing and recorded in the office of the County Recorder; each such easement or right-of-way shall be no less than 20 feet wide; each such easement or right-of-way shall identify the landowner/s who is/are responsible for the construction and maintenance of the easement or right-of-way, the frequency with which the easement or right-of-way must be maintained, and the construction and maintenance standards that must be met; and the lot served by each such easement or right-of-way must be exempt from the subdivision platting requirements of the county subdivision control ordinance (Chapter 155), as amended.
   (H)   Height restrictions. The maximum height in an A1 District shall be 30 feet for residential buildings.
   (I)   Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage for a lot used as a single-family dwelling shall not exceed 25% of the lot area.
   (J)   Off-street parking. The off-street parking space shall be two spaces per dwelling unit.
   (K)   Signs. All signs are subject to those provisions set forth in §§ 156.45 and 156.46.
(Ord. 17-2007, passed 12-18-2007; Ord. passed 6-11-2009)