The requirements for erosion and sediment control shall meet those referenced in 327 I.A.C. 15-5. Those include:
   (A)   Sediment-laden water which otherwise would flow from the site shall be detained by erosion control practices appropriate to minimize sedimentation in the receiving stream. No storm water shall be discharged from the site in a manner causing erosion in the receiving stream;
   (B)   Appropriate measures shall be taken by the operator to minimize or eliminate wastes or unused building materials, including, but not limited to, garbage, debris, cleaning wastes, wastewater and other substances from being carried from a site by runoff. Proper disposal or management of all wastes and unused building materials, appropriate to the nature of the waste or material, is required;
   (C)   Sediment being tracked from a site onto public or private roadways shall be minimized;
   (D)   Public or private roadways shall be kept cleared of accumulated sediment. Bulk clearing of accumulated sediment shall not include flushing the area with water. Cleared sediment shall be returned to the point of likely origin or other suitable location;
   (E)   All on-site storm drain inlets shall be protected against sedimentation with gravel bags, filter fabric or equivalent barriers meeting accepted design criteria, standards and specification for that purpose; and
   (F)   The following items apply during the time the construction activity is taking place.
      (1)   Storm water drainage from adjacent areas that naturally pass through the site shall be controlled by diverting it around disturbed areas. Alternatively, the existing channel must be protected and/or improved to prevent erosion or sedimentation from occurring.
      (2)   Run-off from a disturbed area shall be controlled by one or more of the following measures.
         (a)   Except as prevented by inclement weather conditions or other circumstances beyond the control of the operator, appropriate vegetative practices will be initiated within seven days of the last land disturbing activity at the site regulated by this rule. Appropriate vegetative practices include, but are not limited to, seeding, sodding, mulching, covering or by other equivalent erosion control measures.
         (b)   The erosion control plan shall be implemented on disturbed areas within the construction site. The plan shall include erosion control measures as appropriate, such as, but not limited to, the following:
            1.   Sediment detention basins; and
            2.   Sediment control practices, such as filter strips, diversions, rock check dams, filter fences, inlet protection measures, slope minimization, phased construction, maximizing tree coverage, temporary and permanent seeding of vegetation, mulching and sodding. Note: use of straw bales for erosion and sediment control shall be prohibited, except for use as mulch in establishment of permanent or temporary vegetative cover. All measures involving erosion control practices shall be designed and installed under the guidance of a qualified professional experienced in erosion control and following the specifications and criteria under this division. All other non-engineered erosion control measures involving vegetation should be installed according to accepted specifications and criteria under § 150.06.
      (3)   During the period of construction activity at a site, all erosion control measures necessary to meet the requirements of this rule shall be maintained by the operator.
      (4)   During the period of construction activity at a site, all lots shall be identified on-site by number as shown on the original plat.
(Ord. 9-2002, passed 5-23-2002)