General Provisions
150.01 Kentucky Building Code adopted by reference
150.02 Building permits
150.03 Permit fees
Electrical Code
150.15 National Electric Code adopted
150.16 Standards for wiring and materials; jurisdiction
150.17 Violations declared a nuisance
150.18 Electrical inspector; office created; appointment; duties
150.19 Qualifications of electrical inspector
150.20 Inspections required
150.21 Application for inspection; payment of fees
150.22 Concealed wiring
150.23 Inspector to detail violations
150.24 Duplicate inspection reports to be supplied to building inspection office
150.25 Power not to be supplied without certificate of approval
150.26 Fees
150.27 Hazardous conditions; discovery and report by inspector; corrective action
150.28 Liability for damages
150.99 Penalty