§ 35.15 WHO MUST FILE.
   The following individuals shall be required to file a financial disclosure statement:
   (A)   Elected officers;
   (B)   Candidates for elected office;
   (C)   Management personnel such as chief deputies, department heads; and
   (D)   Officer and employees with procurement authority exceeding $500 per purchase.
(Prior Code, § 25.200) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-9-1994)
   (A)   The financial disclosure statement shall include the following information:
      (1)   Name of filer;
      (2)   Current business address, telephone number, and home address of filer;
      (3)   Title of filer’s public office or office sought;
      (4)   Occupation of filer;
      (5)   Positions held by the filer in any business organization or nonprofit entity from which the filer received compensation in excess of $5,000 during the preceding calendar year, and the name, address, and telephone number of the business organization or nonprofit entity;
      (6)   Name and address of each source of income of the filer from within the state which exceeds $5,000 during the preceding calendar year;
      (7)   Name and address of each business organization located within the state in which the filer had an interest of $10,000 at the fair market value;
      (8)   The location and type (commercial, residential, agricultural) of all real property within the county in which the filer had an interest of $10,000 at the fair market value;
      (9)   Any officer or employee of the county government who shall have any private financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or matter pending before or within any department or agency of the county government shall disclose such private interest to the Fiscal Court;
      (10)   Any County Judge/Executive, Magistrate, or Commissioner, sheriff, jailer, coroner, constable, surveyor, County Attorney, County Clerk, or a member of his or her immediate family, who has a private interest in any matter pending before the court shall disclose such private interest on the records of the court and shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in any decision or vote relating thereto; and
      (11)   Any officer or employee of an independent agency or special district to which this Code of Ethics applies who shall have any private financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or matter pending before or within such independent agency or special district shall disclose such private interest to the governing body of such agency or district.
   (B)   Each statement shall be signed and dated by the individual filing the statement of financial interest. Knowingly signing a fraudulent statement shall be a Class A misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 25.201) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-9-1994; Ord. 95-1, passed 2-8-1995)
   All pay and benefits shall be withheld until a non-complying officer or employee is in compliance with the filing requirements.
(Prior Code, § 25.202) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-9-1994)
   The financial disclosure statements shall be filed with the County Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 25.203) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-9-1994) Penalty, see § 35.99
   (A)   No officer or employee of the county or government agency shall advocate, recommend, or cause the employment, appointment, promotion, transfer, or advancement of a family member to an office or position of employment with the county or government agency.
   (B)   No officer or employee of the county or government agency shall supervise or manage the work of a family member.
   (C)   No officer or employee shall participate in any action relating to the employment or discipline of a family member, except that this prohibition shall not prevent an elected or appointed official from voting on or participating in the development of a budget which includes compensation for a family member, provided that the family member is included only as a member of a class of persons or a group, and the family member benefits to no greater extent than any other similarly situated member of the class or group.
   (D)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to a public officer’s family member who was employed on or before January 1, 1995, in the same governmental agency in which the public officer serves. This exception is applicable only as long as the current officer is in office or the employee remains employed by the governmental agency.
(Prior Code, § 25.300) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-9-1994)