(a) Property owners along streets which are surfaced and have curb and gutter are responsible for replacing any driveway or walkway within the street right-of-way as a result of building lot improvements. Driveway entrances and aprons at the curb line will be constructed by the city at the location designated by the propcity owners, and the cost thereof shall be paid in advance.
(b) No trees may be planted in the street right-of-way, unless it conforms to a city beautification plan.
(c) Old pipes and other materials on the right-of-way at the time of construction, which were purchased by the property owners, will be re-moved and placed on the lot of the owner for his disposition. The city will haul away such items if requested by the owner.
(d) During the construction, it may be neces-sary to remove all trees and shrubs that stand in the area of construction. Any trees or shrubs that the property owner wishes to transplant shall be removed from this area by the property owner before construction begins.