The following provisions shall apply to all signs.
1. Construction standards. All signs shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the North Carolina State Building Code.
2. Electrical standards. All illuminated signs shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the North Carolina State Electrical Code and all detached signs shall be illuminated by an underground electrical source. Any illuminated sign shall be so designed or placed so as to prevent direct or reflected light from being cast upon adjacent properties, the public right-of-way, or the night sky.
3. Maintenance of signs. All signs shall be maintained in good structural and aesthetic condition. Deficiencies such as chipped paint, broken plastic, missing letters and exposed light bulbs shall be evidence of a lack of maintenance.
4. Content. Content of message, commercial or non commercial, is not regulated by this chapter.
5. No sign shall be placed so as to obstruct the clear sight triangle at a street intersection.
6. Electronic message boards and/or projected imagery technology shall require compliance with Article I dimensional and location requirements. In addition, the minimum time between electronic message board and/or projected imagery technology display changes shall be three seconds for on-site commercial signs and eight seconds for billboard signs.
(Ord. of 12-7-04, No. 37-02; Ord. of 12/4/17, No. 20-17)