In order to develop a logical, rational plan of deployment and siting of wireless telecommunications facilities within the city that provides reasonable coverage within the city based on the needs of the city and its residents, while minimizing the number and intrusiveness of the facilities and the most efficient use of wireless telecommunications facilities sites, twice annually within the months of January and June of each calendar year, the city shall hold a meeting of all carriers and tower companies who have filed applications the previous year or anyone who has expressed an interest in filing an application to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The city shall notify each party of the date, time and place of the meeting no later than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at the last known address of the party and attendance shall be expected. In order to allow the allocation of the city’s resources to those applications deemed urgent or critical so that they may be permitted and service provided as expeditiously as is reasonably possible, lack of attendance shall be deemed as evidence of a lack of urgency or any critical need for the facility and subject the party not attending to a longer review process than for those attending. Consideration of applications by those not attending shall be addressed and considered by the Planning Board twice annually, at dates to be established by the Planning Board. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Director of Planning based on facts and circumstances deemed sufficient to warrant exception that are shown to be in the interest of the city and its residents. (Ord. of 3/1/10)