Sec. 9-3-75   Building type/civic building.
   1.   Permitted height and uses:
   a.   Building height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the highest finished grade relative to the street frontage, up to the eaves or the highest level of a flat roof.
   b.   The height of parapet, walls may vary depending upon the need to screen mechanical equipment.
   c.   Maximum height of occupiable building shall be forty-five (45) feet. Uninhabitable portions of buildings with footprint area five hundred (500) square feet or less may exceed forty-five (45) feet (example: spire, cupola).
   d.   Permitted uses are indicated above.
   2.   Architectural standards:
   a.   Principles:
   (1)   To perpetuate the unique building character of the city and its environs, and to re-establish its local identity, development shall generally employ building types that are sympathetic to the historic architectural vocabulary of the area in their massing and external treatment.
   (2)   Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco, or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a street fronting building face.
   (3)   The front elevations facing the street and the overall massing shall communicate an emphasis on the human scale and the pedestrian environment.
   (4)   Each building should be designed to form part of a larger composition of the area in which it is situated.
   (5)   Trailers (mobile units) shall not be used as civic buildings.
   (6)   Schools, churches, and government buildings shall be built so that they terminate a street vista whenever possible, and should be of sufficient design quality to create visual anchors for the community.
   (7)   At a minimum the Americans with Disabilities Act standards for accessibility shall be met.
   b.   Configurations:
   (1)   Street level windows shall be untinted. Tinted glass with minimum visual transmittance factor of 35 is permitted. Mirrored glass is not permitted in any location. This does not prohibit the use of stain glass windows.
   (2)   Flat roof lines are allowed.
   c.   Techniques:
   (1)   Windows should be set to the inside of the building face wall.
   (2)   All rooftop equipment shall be enclosed in building material that matches the structure or is visually compatible with the structure. (Ord. of 12-7-04, No. 37-02)