Sec. 9-3-72   Lot type/attached house.
   1.   Building placement/parking/vehicular access:
   a.   Buildings shall be placed on the lot within zone represented by the hatched area.
   b.   Along new streets, the build-to line will range from ten (10) feet to twenty-five (25) feet behind street right-of-way. Special site conditions such as topography or lot widths permit a larger setback.
   Along existing streets, front build-to-lines shall typically be equal to the average setbacks for buildings on the same side of the street within three hundred (300) feet.
   However, in more urban conditions, dwellings may be set up to the property line at the sidewalk.
   c.   Building facades shall be generally parallel to front property lines. All buildings shall front onto a public street.
   d.   Garages, carports, and parking shall meet the standards of Section 9-3-27.
   e.   Points of permitted access to parking indicated by arrows. Front access to parking at rear of Type ‘A’ is permitted for duplexes only.
   f.   Attached Houses are only permitted as a Planned Unit Development - Residential (9-3-201) for three (3) or more dwelling units. In other words, duplexes are permitted outside of Planned Unit Developments. For restrictions on duplexes on corner lots, refer to Section 9-3-92.
   g.   Attached houses are only permitted where both municipal water and sewer serve the site.
   h.   The density shall not exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per acre for any development.
   2.   Encroachment/pedestrian access:
   a.   For buildings set up to the sidewalk, balconies and upper level bay windows may encroach over the sidewalk area up to five (5) feet.
   b.   For buildings set back from sidewalk, balconies, stoops, stairs, open porches, bay windows, and awnings are permitted to encroach into the front setback area up to eight (8) feet.
   c.   Main pedestrian access to the building is from the street (indicated by larger arrow). Secondary access may be from parking areas. If a sidewalk is present, the house’s front facade must face the sidewalk.
   d.   Decks must be constructed only in rear yard area and are permitted to encroach into the rear setback up to fifty percent (50%) of required setback.
   e.   When required, concrete sidewalks, minimum five (5) feet wide, shall be built along all street frontages of the lot according to city specifications (four (4) inches thick except at non-residential driveways it shall be six (6) inches thick). The sidewalk shall be separated from the street by a minimum four (4) wide planting strip unless on-street parking is provided. The planting strip width may be reduced when there is insufficient right-of-way on existing streets.
   3.   Description:
   The attached house is a rowhouse, a city house, or a duplex. Traditional southern homes in Savannah and Charleston provide the historic model. Dilworth Cresent in Charlotte provides a good contemporary example. Generally, building plans will have narrow frontages with the lot depth being greater than its width.
   4.   Special conditions:
   a.   The intention of buildings in all locations must be to relate the principal facade to the sidewalk and public space of the street.
   b.   Corners: Setback at street corners will generally replicate frontage conditions. However, side setbacks on a minor street may be less than the front dimension.
   c.   Front and side setbacks may vary depending upon site conditions. Setbacks should be used in a manner which encourages pedestrian activity.
(Ord. of 12-7-04, No. 37-02; Ord. of 4-4-16; No. 12-15)