1. Permitted height/uses/encroachments:
a. Building height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the highest finished grade relative to the street frontage, up to the eaves.
b. Building height of main dwelling to ridge may vary depending on the roof pitch.
c. Permitted uses are indicated above.
d. Maximum footprint for a building housing a detached accessory dwelling is six hundred fifty (650) square feet.
e. Balconies, stoops, stairs, open porches, bay windows, and awnings are permitted to encroach into setback area up to eight (8) feet.
f. Decks, balconies, and porches are permitted to encroach into rear yard setback up to fifty percent (50%) of required setback.
(Ord. of 12-7-04, No. 37-02; Ord. of 4-4-16; No. 12-15)