Sec. 9-3-66   Lot type/highway business.
   1.   Building placement/parking/vehicular access:
   a.    Setbacks may vary accordin g to setting within limits indicated .
   b.    Building facades shall be generally parallel to front property lines.
   c.    Parking shall be located to the side, rear and front of the building. In no case shall more than two rows of parking or fifty percent (50%) of the total required parking, be placed in the front of the building. Side yard parking shall occupy no more than fifty percent (50%) of the primary frontage line and shall not be placed in any side yard abutting an intersecting street. Where dimensions of existing lots restrict parking behind buildings, the limitations on side yard parking may be modified.
   d.   Points of permitted access to parking are indicated by arrows.
   e.   Parking areas on adjacent lots shall be connected wherever practical.
   f.   Trash containers shall be located in a rear parking area (see parking regulations) and shall be screened from the right-of-way.
   g.   Mechanical equipment at ground level shall be placed on the parking lot side of building and away from buildings on adjacent sites.
   2.   Vehicular circulation/pedestrian access:
   a.   Main pedestrian access to the building may be from the side (indicated by the larger arrows). Secondary access must be from the street frontage (indicated by smaller arrow).
   b.   Drive-throughs shall be located to the rear of the building.
   c.   Entrance canopies (for motels, etc.) shall face the street.
   d.   Typical vehicular circulation movement is indicated by thin line arrows.
   e.   When required, concrete sidewalks, minimum five (5) feet wide, shall be built along all street frontages of the lot according to city specifications (four (4) inches thick except at non-residential driveways it shall be six (6) inches thick). The sidewalk shall be separated from the street by a minimum four (4) foot wide planting strip unless on-street parking is provided. The planting strip width may be reduced when there is insufficient right-of-way on existing streets.
   3.   Description:
   This building type generally comprises fast food retail, drive through banks, motels and other highway dependent uses. These regulations are designed to bring these building types into a framework of city streets. This building type shall be limited to the Highway Business District.
   4.   Special conditions:
   a.   Buildings in all locations should relate a principal facade to the sidewalk and public space of the street.
   b.   Corners: Setback at street corners will generally replicate frontage conditions.
(Ord. of 12-7-04, No. 37-02; Ord. of 10-5-15, No. 05-15; Ord. of 6-6-16, No. 22-15)