Intent: The Light Manufacturing (M-1) District is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for industrial manufacturing uses which normally seek locations on large tracts where the operation involved does not detract from the development potential of nearby undeveloped properties. This district is reserved for high intensity development that supports the community tax base and welfare and best utilizes the investment in infrastructure including water, sewer, roads, rail, electric and gas. Development at district boundaries must provide a compatible transition to uses outside the district. Frontages on major or minor arterials will require formal street tree planting.
1. Permitted uses:
a. Uses permitted by right:
(1) Appliances/appliance components manufacturing.
(2) Assembly or fabrication of previously manufactured parts.
(3) Automobiles and automobile components manufacturing.
(4) Bedding/Carpet manufacturing.
(5) Boat works.
(6) Bottling plants.
(7) Breweries manufacturing.
(8) Cabinet shops.
(9) Canvas goods manufacturing.
(10) Clothing/textile manufacturing.
(11) Communication equipment manufacturing.
(12) Component parts for aircraft manufacturing.
(13) Cosmetics, drugs and pharmaceutical products manufacturing.
(14) Data storage.
(15) Drafting, optical and musical instruments manufacturing.
(16) Electric devices/components manufacturing.
(17) Electrical equipment manufacturing and repair.
(18) Electronic equipment/components manufacturing.
(19) Environmental services and consulting.
(20) Farm machinery manufacturing.
(21) Firearms manufacturing.
(22) Food manufacturing.
(23) Food processing manufacturing (but not slaughtering of poultry or animals).
(24) Furniture manufacturing and repair.
(25) Leather product manufacturing.
(26) Machines and parts manufacturing.
(27) Mechanical devices manufacturing.
(28) Medical and dental equipment manufacturing.
(29) Meter manufacturing.
(30) Photographic and metering equipment manufacturing.
(31) Plastic products manufacturing.
(32) Publishing and printing.
(33) Printing, finishing, and textiles and fibers manufacturing.
(34) Product testing.
(35) Pumps manufacturing.
(36) Rubber product manufacturing.
(37) Sheet metal shops.
(38) Springs manufacturing.
(39) Stone and clay product manufacturing.
(40) Telecommunications manufacturing.
(41) Tools, dies, machinery and hardware products manufacturing.
(42) Tobacco products manufacturing.
(43) Wholesale distribution facilities.
(44) Wire products manufacturing.
(45) Woodworking shops.
b. Uses permitted with conditions (See Article F):
(1) Essential Services Class 1.
(2) Existing as of March 1, 2021 Parking lot as a principal use.
(3) Existing as of September 15, 2023 Contractor storage yard associated with an existing primary office building (Reference Article F, Sec. 9-3-110c.)
c. Uses permitted with a special use permit:
(1) Deviations from the architectural standards set forth in 9-3-77. Any deviations must have a proven need, that the building would not be able to serve its purpose adhering to the architectural standards.
(2) Essential Services Class 3.
(3) Planned Unit Development - Business.
(4) Wireless telecommunications facilities.
d. Permitted building and lot types:
(1) Industrial.
e. Permitted accessory structures and uses:
(1) Outdoor storage limited to 25% of square footage of principal manufacturing building(s).
(2) Warehouses as accessory to manufacturing.
(3) Accessory uses permitted in all districts, Sec. 9-3-36, limited to 25% of square footage of principal manufacturing building(s).
f. General requirements:
(1) Along existing streets, new buildings shall respect the general spacing of structures, building mass and scale, and street frontage relationships of existing buildings.
(2) New buildings, which exceed the scale and volume of existing buildings, may demonstrate compatibility by varying the massing of buildings to reduce perceived scale and volume. Building massing illustrates the application of design techniques to reduce the visual perception of size and integrate larger buildings with pre-existing smaller buildings.
(3) On new streets, allowable building and lot types will establish the development pattern.
(4) Where screening is required by Article F for activities involving any sale, use, repair, storage, or cleaning operation, the specified standard of Article K shall apply.
(5) The arrangement of multiple buildings on a single lot shall establish facades generally parallel to the frontage property lines along existing streets and proposed interior streets.
(6) Every building lot shall have frontage upon a public street or square.
g. Off-street parking and loading requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements shall be provided for all uses as required by Article H of this chapter.
h. Sign requirements. See Article I of this chapter.
i. Dimensional requirements. See Article E (Lot and Building Types) and M (Watershed) of this chapter.